Flashback: ABC, Fox News Linked Israel to 9/11 Attacks by Frankie Stockes September 11, 2023 In the aftermath of 9/11/2001, both ABC and Fox News extensively reported on possible Israeli connections to the day's terror ...
Happy Juneteenth: Communist Rosenberg Spies Executed on June 19th, 1953 by Frankie Stockes June 19, 2023 June 19th marks the day in 1953 that communist spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who passed American nuclear secrets to ...
This Day in History: Israel Attacks The USS Liberty, Killing 34 Americans, Wounding 171 by Frankie Stockes June 8, 2023 On June 8th, 1967, Israel launched an air and sea attack using fighter jets and torpedo boats against the USS ...
TRUMP: Defense Bill Includes Language Allowing for ‘Renaming and Even Desecration of National Monuments’ by Frankie Stockes December 5, 2020 Republicans are okay with monuments being destroyed, but we can't do anything about Big Tech's liability protections.
Ornithologists Demand Name Changes for Birds With Ties to “Racists” by National File News August 6, 2020 Racist birds have got to go, say ornithologists.
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates