VIDEO: AZ Democrat’s Radical Gun Control Agenda Exposed By Project Veritas by Archive October 5, 2020 An undercover video released by a popular national watchdog group shows a field organizer for Democrat senatorial candidate Mark Kelly ...
LA Ordered To Pay NRA $150K After Demanding Private Citizens Inform Them Of Contracts With Gun Group by Archive October 5, 2020 The City of Los Angeles was ordered to pay $144,160.74 in legal fees and costs to the National Rifle Association ...
Elmer Fudd Loses His Gun in HBO Reboot While Guns Remain Rampant in Mainstream TV by Kim Coulter June 14, 2020 Looney Tune characters Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam no longer use guns, despite Elmer Fudd still being still featured as ...
GUN RIGHTS: Bloomberg-Sponsored Gun Ban Fails in Virginia Senate by Frankie Stockes February 17, 2020 Four Virginia Democrats strayed from an otherwise partisan vote and prevented the bill from passing.
Virginia House Passes Ban on Semi-Auto Firearms and Suppressors in Hyperpartisan Vote by Frankie Stockes February 11, 2020 The bill has faced widespread opposition from legislators and citizens alike
Virginia Democrats Vote to Advance Semi-Automatic Gun Ban, Eject Citizens From Room by Frankie Stockes February 8, 2020 Democrats are pursuing their agenda of gun control in Virginia.
EXCLUSIVE: Anna Paulina Luna Discusses America First’s Negotiations Against GOP Leadership, Plus Matt Gaetz
EXCLUSIVE: Viral Leftist TikToker Who Cheered Hurricanes and Tornadoes Hitting ‘White Trailer Courts’ Identified