REPORT: Google Actively Censoring Anti-CCP Phrase ‘Communist Bandit’ From YouTube Comments by National File News May 15, 2020 共匪 is a derogatory insult for the Chinese Communist Party that is reportedly being censored online
REPORT: Google Scales Back Diversity Program, Fears Appearing ‘Anti-Conservative’ by Archive May 15, 2020 According to a report from Forbes, tech giant Google has significantly cut back its internal diversity and inclusion program after ...
Google Not So Subtly Tracking Everyone During Covid-19 Panic by Kim Coulter May 8, 2020 Google's MyMaps application is monitoring users movement when they don't opt out of location services.
EXCLUSIVE: Google Bans Infowars App After Alex Jones Covers COVID-19 Meds Popularized by Trump by National File News March 27, 2020 The app was apparently removed due to comments Alex Jones made about the coronavirus outbreak
Google Funds Young Turks’ New Left-Wing ‘Journalism Tactics Academy’ by National File News February 11, 2020 "TYT Academy" videos feature a woman telling prospective reporters to "reveal inequity"
Wife of Google Whistleblower Who Claimed Tech Giant Rigs Elections for Democrats Dies in Car Accident by Archive December 30, 2019 Robert Epstein's wife died in a tragic car accident over the weekend.
LEAKED EMAILS: Blue Cross Blue Shield NC Coordinated Directly with NC Democrat Gov to Stifle Aid to Western NC
BOMBSHELL GA COURT TESTIMONY: “Dominion Encryption Keys Can Be Used to Decrypt and Change Election Result Files”
Gen. Flynn Says North Carolina Reawaken America Tour Will Serve North Carolinians Suffering After Helene