Facebook Engaged ‘Emergency’ Conservative Censorship Post-Election by Archive November 26, 2020 Facebook, Twitter, and Google did a tremendous amount of damage to the nation in the run-up to the 2020 General ...
EXCLUSIVE: After Election, Facebook Will Now Ban You If You Are ‘Similar Looking’ To Someone They Banned by Archive November 17, 2020 Facebook will ban conservatives if they are "similar looking" to someone else they banned.
CENSORSHIP: Facebook Bans Free Speech Social Network Founder, He’s ‘Dangerous’ Like ‘Terrorist Organizations’ by Archive November 10, 2020 Facebook banned the founder of its competition, claiming he is a "dangerous individual" or part of a dangerous organization.
BIAS: Politifact, Facebook’s Fact Check Partner, Claims Pro-Police ‘Thin Blue Line’ Flag Is ‘Anti-BLM’ by Archive October 30, 2020 The scrutiny of Facebook and Twitter “fact-checking” organization has been front and center throughout the Trump administration, but Politifact has ...
Democrats in Congress Demand More Big Tech Censorship, Not Less by Archive October 30, 2020 The hearings on social media censorship earlier this week saw Republican Senators, and some Democrat Senators, taking issue with Jack ...
Twitter, Facebook Defensive on Biden Censorship After Cruz Torches Dorsey: ‘Who The Hell Elected You?’ by Archive October 28, 2020 In an audacious and sometimes fiery testimony before the Senate Commerce Committee the CEOs of Facebook and Twitter said free ...