CANADA: Riot Police Choke Man On Ground For Not Wearing Face Mask by Archive May 1, 2021 "Four of them grabbed him and shot him to the floor and held him like he was George Floyd, I ...
VIDEO: Family Gets Kicked Off Flight Because Two-Year-Old Wasn’t Wearing Mask by National File News April 5, 2021 "The captain was okay with it, the whole plane was okay with it, but there was one African-American that was ...
American Airlines Promises ‘Investigation’ After Flight Attendant Bullies Elderly Woman To Tears For Briefly Lowering Mask by Archive March 5, 2021 "Can't even begin to tell you how depressing of a scene that was," tweeted Republican strategist Andrew Surabian.
Forget The $2,000 Stimulus, Biden Now Wants To Send Face Masks To Every American by Archive February 4, 2021 Hard pass from the Biden administration on the $2,000 stimulus. Instead, you might get a face mask in the mail.
VIDEO: ‘He Was Celebrating’, Said Press Sec, Excusing Joe’s Lawless Refusal To Wear Face Mask On Federal Property by Archive January 21, 2021 Apparently the virus takes days off if people are celebrating.
VIDEO: Police CHOKE, Arrest Woman for Not Wearing Facemask in Australia by Archive August 11, 2020 A shocking video going viral on social media shows a young Australian woman appear to be choked by a male ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates