Betting Site PredictIt: Warren Plummets Behind Hillary in DNC Nomination Odds by National File News March 3, 2020 Warren is now trailing behind 2016's failed nominee, who has not even declared her candidacy
Elizabeth Warren Vows Half of Cabinet Will Be Non-Binary or Women by Archive January 24, 2020 The senator of 1/1024th native ancestry will make stunning, brave inclusions to her cabinet
VIDEO: Father Confronts Elizabeth Warren on Free College, She Laughs in his Face by Greg Aselbekian January 23, 2020 The Massachusetts Senator seems to view paying for your own tuition as a laughing matter
VIDEO: Anti-‘War’ Protesters Claim ‘Pocahontas’ Warren Has No Scandals, Ignore 1/1024 Native DNA Test by Archive January 9, 2020 The protesters professed ignorance when asked about Warren's 1/1024 Native American DNA.
Elizabeth Warren Wants Taxpayer-Funded Gender ‘Transition-Related Surgery’ by Archive November 6, 2019 The bill would dedicate taxpayer money to help veterans "transition."
POLL: Kamala Harris Collapses While Biden, Warren, and Sanders Command Leads by Archive August 20, 2019 Joe Biden is still leading the Democratic field according to a newly released poll.