EXCLUSIVE: Georgia Official Confirms Trump Will Upend Electoral College With ‘Alternative Electors’ by A.J. Cooke December 14, 2020 A senior Republican Party official in Georgia confirms that an "alternative" slate of Trump Electors are voting today in Atlanta
BREAKING: Pennsylvania GOP Legislature Seeks to Reclaim Power to Appoint Electors by Archive November 28, 2020 Pennsylvania is making a move that could open a path for other states to affect changes to the regular order ...
VIDEO: Ellis Says Pennsylvania Can ‘Take That Power Back’ From Corrupt Officials, Assign Electoral Votes To Trump by National File News November 25, 2020 "When you have the delegation of authority, the legislature can take that back."
LAWSUIT: Nevada Electoral College Members File ‘Election Contest’ Claiming Widespread Election Fraud by Archive November 18, 2020 A new lawsuit in Nevada threatens to throw a wrench into the pre-mature ‘president-elect’ claim that Joe Biden has been ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates