Nancy Pelosi Gives Eric Holder $300,000 To Gerrymander Districts To Favor Democrats by Archive February 24, 2021 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) once took a stand against the gerrymandering of congressional districts. Now, the California Democrat is ...
Democrats Plan To Violate Constitution, Strip Trump’s 5th Amendment Rights For Impeachment Trial by Jon Moseley February 8, 2021 Democrats are demanding that President Trump, a witness, testify against himself. This is unconstitutional.
POLL: Trump Outperformed Biden in Presidential Approval Ratings by Archive February 3, 2021 A new presidential approval poll reveals that even though Joe Biden has allies in the mainstream media and Big Tech, ...
Only 10% of Wyoming Republicans Support Liz Cheney After Her Vote To Impeach Trump by Archive February 2, 2021 Cheney’s "vote of conscience" is proving costly for the House’s number three ranking Republican
Mitch McConnell vs Rand Paul: Mitch Courted By Deep State To Whip Republicans Into Impeaching Trump by Archive January 27, 2021 Reports are emerging that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), is being privately urged to support a conviction vote in ...
MyPillow’s Mike Lindell Permanently Banned from Twitter by Archive January 26, 2021 Staunch Trump ally and CEO of MyPillow, Mike Lindell, has been permanently banned from the social media platform Twitter for ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates