College Football Announcer Suspended for Saying ‘Illegal Aliens’ by Cullen McCue January 1, 2023 A college football announcer has been suspended for correctly referring to the legal status of migrants who enter the United ...
Texas High School Teacher Tells Students Not To Judge Pedophiles Who Abuse 5-Year-Olds by Paul Aubert August 30, 2022 A West Texas high school teacher defended pedophilia, berating students who were outspoken against adults having sexual intercourse with underage ...
Cartels Smuggle Fake COVID-19 Medical Supplies Across Mexican Border by Eduardo Rivero May 14, 2020 Fake test kits, face masks, diluted cleaning solutions and anti-viral products are pouring across the Mexican border
New York Times Says Anyone Who Uses Term ‘Invasion’ To Blame For El Paso Shooting by National File News August 13, 2019 The Times believes the word "invasion" makes you complicit in mass shootings.
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates