Don Bacon Silent on Whether He’ll Vote ‘NO’ on Democrat-approved “Consensus” Speaker Candidate by Charles Downs October 16, 2023 Don Bacon is refusing to commit to vote NO on any candidate for speaker who would require Democrat votes to ...
Bringing it Back: Trump Pledges to Reinstate Travel Ban in NH Speech by Charles Downs October 9, 2023 In a well-attended speech in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, President Trump explained the foreign policy failures of Joe Biden and "his ...
Video: Hillary Clinton Wants to ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters by Charles Downs October 6, 2023 Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton still is not over her 2016 loss to Donald Trump. In a Thursday interview with ...
Trump was Right: Biden to Continue Trump Border Wall by Charles Downs October 5, 2023 Trump was right again! The Biden White House announced it's waiving 26 federal laws to complete aspects of Trump's border ...
DeSantis Fan Brian Kilmeade Mocks McCarthy-Ousting Congressman for Praying by Charles Downs October 4, 2023 In a disturbing exchange, Ron DeSantis super-fan Brian Kilmeade mocked Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchett for praying before voting to oust ...
Loomer Exposes DeSantis-Haley Ticket by Charles Downs October 3, 2023 Loomer exposed that the American Opportunity Alliance, a group of warmongering globalists, will pitch the idea of a DeSantis-Haley ticket. ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates