Democrat Reporter Makes Case That Mitch McConnell Stole 2020 Victory With Corrupt Voting Machines by Archive May 31, 2021 This comes as Democrat officials and mainstream media outlets continue to tout the "security" of the 2020 election.
ARIZONA: Orange ‘External Drives’ With Early Votes Taken Offsite By Election Officials Or Dominion Employees by Archive May 6, 2021 Orange hard drives containing early vote totals were removed nightly by either Maricopa County or Dominion employees, reports Kelli Ward
Fox CANCELS Lou Dobbs’ Hit Show Following Smartmatic Voting Lawsuit by National File News February 5, 2021 Fox Business has cancelled Lou Dobbs Tonight, the network's highest-rated show, following a lawsuit against Dobbs by the Smartmatic voting ...
ARIZONA: Gosar Slams Establishment Republicans For Labeling #StopTheSteal Push For Election Integrity ‘Sedition’ by Archive January 23, 2021 Gosar received thunderous applause while speaking at the State Committee of the Arizona Republican Party.
GEORGIA: Dominion Machines Apparently Break Down In GOP Strongholds, Ballots to Be Scanned Later by Archive January 5, 2021 In a repeat of exactly what happened during the November 3, 2020 General Election, voters Georgia Republican stronghold precincts have ...
Georgia Whistleblowers Who Called Foul on Ballot Tampering Get Terminated by Archive December 19, 2020 Two Georgia poll workers who exposed vote fraud and ballot tampering in Fulton County, Georgia, during the November 3, 2020, ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates