Feminist Pirates Of The Caribbean Reboot Replaces Johnny Depp With Margot Robbie by Eduardo Rivero June 29, 2020 The upcoming reboot of the popular Pirates of the Caribbean franchise is set to replace the largely male pirate crew ...
Disney’s ‘Ducktales’ Reboot to Feature Two Gay Dads by Archive April 10, 2020 A 2020 revamping of the classic children's animated show
Disney’s ‘Onwards’ Featuring LGBT Couple Has Worst Opening Weekend in Studio’s History by Archive March 9, 2020 'Get woke, go broke' claims another victim
Disney Animated Movie to Star First Openly LGBT Character by Archive February 24, 2020 Disney making strides in introduction of first character, joining other franchises in revolutionizing film
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates