Despite Being Closed for COVID-19, The Kennedy Center Still Got Over $80 Million in Tax Dollars in 2020 by Archive February 9, 2021 The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC – a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that sits on more than ...
IT’S OFFICIAL: Biden Breaks Promise To Provide $2,000 Direct Stimulus Checks – Psaki by Archive February 3, 2021 No $2,000 stimulus payments will be provided by the Biden administration.
#BidenLied: Antifa, Democrats Lash Out At Biden For Broken Promise To Provide Immediate $2,000 Stimulus by Archive January 31, 2021 Democrats believe Joe Biden betrayed them on key campaign promises.
VIDEO: Dem Dick Durbin Says ‘Take A Deep Breath’ on Stimulus Package, Proceeds to Promise to Block Bill by Archive March 23, 2020 Durbin wants calm, but he also won't vote for the bill as it stands.
After Weekend Breakdown in Talks, Congress Continues Debating Direct Stimulus Package by Archive March 23, 2020 The new legislation includes a one time payment of $1,200 to single Americans, and goes up to $3,000 for families.
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates