BREAKING: Kansas Governor Mandates Masks in Public, Says ‘Only Defense’ Until Vaccine Developed by Archive June 29, 2020 Face masks become mandatory in public starting in time for Independence Day.
VIDEO: Pallbearers Dance to Gospel Music as They Carry George Floyd’s Coffin by Archive June 9, 2020 Pallbearers danced with George Floyd's coffin as thousands attended his latest funeral.
7-Year-Old Gives Babysitter Personal Prom After School Cancels Due to COVID-19 by Kim Coulter May 29, 2020 North Carolina 7-year-old gifts babysitter a personal prom after her senior prom was canceled.
VIDEO: All Corporate COVID Commercials Are Exactly the Same, Down to the Royalty-Free Piano Music by National File News May 20, 2020 Megacorporations are "here for you" to help "families" get through "these uncertain times" with royalty-free piano music
Planned Parenthood Stole $80 Million Worth Of Coronavirus Stimulus Funds by Eduardo Rivero May 20, 2020 Planned Parenthood illegitimately acquired $80 million worth of federal coronavirus stimulus money, Fox News' Tucker Carlson reports. 37 Planned Parenthood ...
Dershowitz: ‘You Have No Right to Not Be Vaccinated,’ State Has Power to ‘Plunge a Needle Into Your Arm’ by National File News May 18, 2020 The lawyer expressed support for a government mandate forcing citizens to be innoculated
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates