Rural Hospital Abruptly Shuts Down, No Notice, Amid Coronavirus Spread by Archive March 13, 2020 The Wellington hospital closed abruptly as coronavirus ramps up in Kansas.
REPORT: Gen Z Kids Have Nicknamed Coronavirus ‘Boomer Remover’ by Archive March 13, 2020 New internet meme emerges unifying global epidemic and intergenerational internet banter
Islamic Scholar Who Called Coronavirus ‘Act of Allah’ Gets Infected by Archive March 13, 2020 Iran-based scholar also dubbed virus "Divine Punishment against the Chinese"
Wichita, Kansas, With Less Than 400,000 Citizens, Now Cancelling Public Events Due to Coronavirus by Archive March 12, 2020 Wichita, Kansas - a city with less than 400,000 people - is cancelling the grand opening of a new park ...
FLASHBACK: Biden Called Trump’s COVID-19 China Travel Ban ‘Xenophobia’ by Archive March 12, 2020 Biden claimed Trump was doing too much to combat the virus before claiming that he's not doing enough.
VIDEO: Chinese Media Releases Propaganda of Nurses Taking Off Masks After Ending Coronavirus by Archive March 12, 2020 The video shows doctors and nurses smiling and waving as they take off their masks.