VIDEO: Macy’s Employee Beaten in Unprovoked Attack After Accused of Using Racial Slur by Archive June 22, 2020 A black man claimed to have been racially abused before brutal assault on white store assistant
VIDEO: Shootout in Lawless Atlanta Leaves Woman is Shot in Leg by Archive June 22, 2020 Bystanders rush to provide first aid to the wounded woman
VIDEO: Black Lives Matter’s ‘Trained Marxist’ Co-Founder Says Group Demands Trump Resign by Archive June 20, 2020 More information surfaces about the Black Lives Matter movement's political goals
President Trump Responds to Tucker Carlson’s Criticism of the Republican Party by Archive June 19, 2020 Carlson characterized the Republican response to the recent unrest as nonexistent.
New York Was Named After Slaver Who Shipped 90,000 Africans to America, Has 24+ Streets Named for Slave Owners by Archive June 19, 2020 New York's racist past exposed
VIDEO: Trump Says CHOP Citizens Are Better at Real Estate Than Him, ‘They Paid Nothing, They Just Took It Over’ by Archive June 17, 2020 President Trump remarks that he was never able to gain ownership of prime real estate for free like the citizens ...