VIDEO: Chinese Authorities ‘Disinfect’ Wuhan With Fleets of Trucks Spraying Chemicals in the Air by National File News February 10, 2020 Fleets of fire trucks can be seen rolling down the streets of Wuhan spraying chemicals in the air
VIDEO: Chinese Hazmat Team Puts Couple in Metal Cube, Drives Off With Woman Screaming Inside by National File News February 7, 2020 The footage circulated on social media Thursday.
REPORT: Used Face Masks Pulled From Trash Sold in Wuhan Amid Coronavirus Fears by Archive February 6, 2020 Some masks sold for up to $50 in chaos
CHINA: ‘Whistleblower’ Wuhan Doctor Dies of Coronavirus After Confusing Reports by Archive February 6, 2020 Doctor reportedly 'reprimanded' for alerting others of the deadly virus
VIDEO: Bannon Says Goldman Sachs, Wall Street Are Investor Relations Depart. for CCP by National File News February 6, 2020 Bannon told Frontline that the cause of the chaos in the early days of the transition was due to a ...
Woman Frightens Rapist by Coughing and Saying She was from Wuhan by Archive February 4, 2020 Would-be rapist deterred by possible threat of coronavirus