VIDEO: Overweight Chicago Looter Trips and Falls While Chased by Police by Archive August 10, 2020 A video from the recent Chicago riots and looting has gone viral after a seemingly overweight woman running away from ...
BREAKING: Trump Orders Deployment of Hundreds of Federal Officers to Chicago, Says ‘The Bloodshed Will End’ by National File News July 22, 2020 "My first duty as President is to protect the American people, and today I am taking action to fulfill that ...
Black Activist: ‘White Nationalists’ Wear Black Body Suits, Commit Murder to Raise Chicago Crime Rate by Archive July 16, 2020 Rizza Islam claims Chicago's crime rates are due to "white nationalists" wearing black silicone body suits.
CHICAGO: Independence Day Fireworks Cancelled, But Gay Pride ‘Protest’ for Black Trans Lives Goes Ahead by Archive June 30, 2020 Fireworks displays are canceled, but the LGBTQ community was able to march for black trans lives with impunity.
‘F**K YOU’: Lightfoot Tells Alderman He’s ‘Full of Sh*t’ on Riots, Altercation Ensues in Leaked Audio by National File News June 9, 2020 Raymond Lopez snapped "f**k you then" when Lori Lightfoot aggressively told him he was "100% full of sh*t"
VIDEO: Woman Mad ‘Fake Ass Ramadan Motherf**kers’ Are Using AK-47s to Protect Stores From Looters by Archive June 9, 2020 The woman went on a racist 10-minute rant, disparaging Muslims, Arabs, and Koreans.
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates