AUDIO: Fed-Up Catholic Blasts ‘Radical Marxist’ Takeover of Church in Radio Ad Supporting Bishop Strickland by Frankie Stockes November 29, 2023 A fed-up Catholic has taken to the airwaves with a radio ad calling on the faithful to step up and ...
18-Inch Pipe Bomb Discovered Behind Philadelphia Catholic Church by Cullen McCue February 20, 2023 Shortly after 1:30 pm on Sunday afternoon, Philadelphia Police discovered an “18-inch pipe bomb” behind St. Dominic’s Catholic Church in ...
Christmas Surprise: Pro-Life Advocate Fr. Pavone, Dismissed from Priesthood Over Advocacy for the Pre-Born by Kari Donovan December 18, 2022 The Catholic Church is in crisis mode, right before Christmas, and attacking a conservative religious priest for his advocacy to ...
California Legalizes ‘Human Composting’ as Burial Alternative by Cullen McCue September 22, 2022 California Governor Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, recently signed a bill that will allow the practice of composting deceased human beings ...
‘The Atlantic’ Mocks Catholicism, Calls Rosary ‘An Extremist Symbol’ by Paul Aubert August 16, 2022 Daniel Panneton wrote an article in The Atlantic which called the Catholic rosary a "symbol" of religious radicalism. The Atlantic hit piece, ...
Investigators Work to Determine Cause of Fire at Catholic Bookstore in Houston by Cullen McCue June 28, 2022 A devastating Saturday evening fire largely destroyed the Sacco Company Catholic Store in downtown Houston. Store owner Andrew Sacco said ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates