Maxine Waters Funneled Over $1 Million In Campaign Funds To Her Daughter, So Far by Archive January 31, 2021 Waters’ daughter pocketed a cool $240,000 during the 2020 General Election cycle alone
Biden Campaign Received $145 Million In ‘Dark Money’ That Can’t Be Traced by Archive January 28, 2021 Although campaigning against big money in politics while on the campaign trail, before he was elected, Joe Biden experienced a ...
Biden Mega-Donor Goldman Sachs Guilty of Billion Dollar Bribery Scheme by Archive October 27, 2020 Goldman Sachs, the employer of an elite cadre of large money contributors to Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden’s campaign, has ...
Big Pharma Employees Creating COVID-19 Drugs Overwhelmingly Donate to Biden, Democrats by Archive October 11, 2020 According to a noted industry publication, Big Pharma money is not backing the Republican candidate, as is traditionally the case. ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates