Facebook Post Shows Banned Book to Teach Students Anal, Bondage, Sex Involving Blood in Sex-Ed Class by Archive January 11, 2020 Students were taught about the extreme topics as part of a mandatory class.
California: Public Schools Can’t Suspend Disobedient Students As It’s Racist by Archive December 29, 2019 New law will remove suspension from being a viable punishment for willful defiance
American Homelessness Spikes 2.7% Because of California’s Homeless Epidemic by Archive December 23, 2019 The country's homeless population rose by 2.7%, thanks entirely to California's homeless crisis.
SAN FRANCISCO: Man Caught Defecating in Supermarket Aisle by Archive December 19, 2019 The Californian City's Poop Crisis Worsens
Calif. Restaurant Association Sues Over Natural Gas Ban, Says Steaks, Stir Fry, And Veggies At Risk by Archive November 26, 2019 Steaks, charred vegetables, and stir fry are all at risk.
DATA: California is Home to Half of US Homeless Population by Archive November 20, 2019 Progressive state boasting an unimpressive stat
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates