After Over 6 Months of Widespread Violence, Black Lives Matter Nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize by Archive January 30, 2021 A Socialist Left Party member of Norway’s parliament took to the podium to announce the nomination as Portland and Seattle ...
BLM Activist Inside Capitol Laughingly Says He Was ‘Documenting’ Riots, Once Said ‘Burn It All Down’ by Archive January 13, 2021 The anti-Trump leader of Insurgence USA is on record as saying ‘We ain't about waiting...It’s time for revolution
DETROIT PUNCHES BACK: Files ‘Civil Conspiracy’ Suit Against Black Lives Matter Activists by Archive December 25, 2020 In an attempt to discourage the continued assault on their city by ideologically based activist groups, the City of Detroit ...
PORTLAND: Autonomous Zone Stockpiling Weapons, Ammo, Now Has Armed Sentries by Archive December 10, 2020 The lawlessness in Portland, Oregon is now to the point where aggressive groups of protesters are creating armed zones and ...
UFC’s Jorge Masvidal Wants To Stand Guard At MAGA Events After Seeing BLM Attack Footage by National File News November 14, 2020 The mixed-martial arts star mused about wanting to "get a couple of teammates and start attending these things"
GEORGIA: Dem Senate Candidate Defended Obama Pastor’s ‘God Damn America’ Screed by Archive November 13, 2020 One of the candidates in the January 5, run-off election for US Senator in Georgia was a stanch defender of ...
Josh Hawley’s Bill Failed to Give Cause of Action for Parents whose Children are Mutilated by Doctors
Marco Polo Credits Patrick Howley and National File For ‘Courage’ And ‘Doggedness’ For Breaking Ashley Biden Diary Story