VIDEO: UK #BLM Protester Calls for Removal of Statue of Person They Don’t Know by Archive June 10, 2020 Protesters call for removal of statue of Cecil Rhodes, an historical figure they know nothing about
#BLM Coalition Demanding Abolition of Police Previously Received $33 Million From Open Society Foundations by Archive June 10, 2020 The Movement for Black Lives, funded by a series of liberal groups in 2016, pushes a radical agenda during the ...
VIDEO: Police Chief Lies Down Face First in Solidarity with #BLM Protesters by Archive June 9, 2020 Pennsylvania police chief Michael Shaw surrenders to protesters
VIDEO: Woman Mad ‘Fake Ass Ramadan Motherf**kers’ Are Using AK-47s to Protect Stores From Looters by Archive June 9, 2020 The woman went on a racist 10-minute rant, disparaging Muslims, Arabs, and Koreans.
Ilhan Omar and #BLM Are Wrong, African Americans Want Same or More Police, Not Less by Archive June 9, 2020 Rep. Ilhan Omar and Black Lives Matter protesters seem to be the only ones who want police abolished.
Man Who Waved Chainsaw at #BLM Protesters Released, Charged With Assault by Archive June 9, 2020 Hispanic man brandishing chainsaw and shouting at white #BLM protesters has been released from jail
Citizen Activists Collect Hundreds of Protesters And More Than 24,000 Petition Signatures Against Pro-Trans Maine Governor Janet Mills