Mayor Says CHAZ Has Always Been Autonomous, Gives Support to New Nation Based in Downtown Seattle by Archive June 12, 2020 The mayor now claims CHAZ has always existed, and they are working to make their twin communities safer.
Boris Johnson Says We Shouldn’t Back BLM Protests, ‘Likely to End in Violence’ by Archive June 12, 2020 UK Prime Minister says protests have been hijack as a pretext to commit violence
CHAZ Timeline Shows Propaganda Victories Like ‘Recycling Collection Begins,’ Neglects to Mention Warlord Raz by Archive June 12, 2020 The timeline whitewashes the violent history of CHAZ.
Seattle Mayor Describes Autonomous Zone as ‘Peaceful,’ Sending in Military Would be ‘Illegal’ by Archive June 12, 2020 The mayor claims it would be "unconstitutional" to invade the sovereign nation.
POLICE: 911 Calls for Violent and Sex Crimes TRIPLES in Seattle Autonomous Zone by Archive June 12, 2020 Seattle Police Chief made stunning revelation as mayor seemingly defends occupied zone
TUCKER CARLSON: ‘Countries Have Borders, and the Founders of CHAZ Understood That’ by Archive June 11, 2020 Carlson points out the common sense border control measures employed by the newly formed nation in downtown Seattle.
Citizen Activists Collect Hundreds of Protesters And More Than 24,000 Petition Signatures Against Pro-Trans Maine Governor Janet Mills