Black Lives Matter Chapter Co-Founder Called White People ‘Defects’ by Archive June 29, 2020 Black Lives Matter leader also prayed to Allah for "strength" to not "kill" white people in a tweet
VIDEO: Gun-Toting Couple From Viral Video Had Lives ‘Threatened’ By Protesters by Archive June 29, 2020 The couple who went viral on social media feared for their lives as the protesters hurled threats.
VIDEO: Detroit Police SUV Plows Through Crowd of BLM Protesters by Archive June 29, 2020 Police officer reportedly panicked after attendees climb on hood, forcing some to fly through air
St. Louis Gun-Toting Couple Releases Statement Claiming Actions Were Legal, Antagonists Were White by Archive June 29, 2020 Viral gun-toting Missouri lawyer couple issue statement via attorney
VIDEOS: Husband and Wife Defend Property When Black Lives Matter Protesters Enter Neighborhood by Archive June 29, 2020 The man and wife team were ready to defend their property as looting and rioting continues throughout the country
‘Art Crime’ Professor Offers Rioters Advice On Toppling Statues ‘Faster’ by Eduardo Rivero June 29, 2020 A New York professor offered rioters advice on how to "faster" topple a statue of Christopher Columbus on Twitter, before ...