New ‘Unwoke’ Job Website Lists Jobs for Regular Americans, Not Left Wing Activists by Archive July 17, 2020 A new website allows unwoke business owners and HR professionals to hire unwoke employees
VIDEO: Mayor de Blasio Signs Police Reform Bills, Says Emptying Prisons Made NYC Safer Than Ever by Frankie Stockes July 16, 2020 Crime skyrockets as de Blasio continues reforming the police
Black Activist: ‘White Nationalists’ Wear Black Body Suits, Commit Murder to Raise Chicago Crime Rate by Archive July 16, 2020 Rizza Islam claims Chicago's crime rates are due to "white nationalists" wearing black silicone body suits.
VIDEO: BLM Rioters Attack Disabled Man’s Car in Ohio Protest by Archive July 16, 2020 Police are searching for persons of interest following the unprovoked attack on a man suffering from cerebral palsy
Asheville, North Carolina Votes to Pay Reparations to Black Slave Descendants 155 Years After End of Civil War by Archive July 15, 2020 Asheville City Council unanimously voted for reparations, saying it's not enough to destroy statues.
Czech President Says ‘All Lives Matter’ While Slamming ‘Black Lives Matter’ by Archive July 15, 2020 The Czech president criticized Black Lives Matter while speaking at the U.S. Embassy.