Belarus Will Castrate Pedophiles, Russia Prepares to Follow Suit by Frankie Stockes June 23, 2023 Belarus is updating its national criminal code to include the chemical castration of convicted pedophiles, and members of Russia's national ...
Russian and Belorussian Tennis Players Will be Barred from Wimbledon by Cullen McCue April 20, 2022 Russian and Belorussian tennis players will not be allowed to compete at Wimbledon this year. Officials cited the "unjustified and ...
Jan. 6 Protester Seeks Asylum In Belarus After Being ‘Persecuted’ By Biden Regime by Eduardo Rivero November 8, 2021 Eric Neumann, a protester during the January 6 'Stop the Steal' rally, is seeking asylum in the Eastern European Republic ...
FLASHBACK: ‘Better to Be a Dictator Than Gay’ Says Belarus Leader by Archive August 12, 2020 As Belarus' political turmoil continues, old comments made by the Northeastern European country's leader have resurfaced. Alexander Lukashenko, who has ...
Marco Polo Credits Patrick Howley and National File For ‘Courage’ And ‘Doggedness’ For Breaking Ashley Biden Diary Story