Police Rescued Pig From Portland Leftists Who Planned To Publicly Behead It In Protest by Eduardo Rivero August 1, 2020 Police officers in Portland, Oregon rescued a live pig that was due to be publicly slaughtered by far-left rioters as ...
VIDEO: Portland Leftists Burn Bibles, U.S. Flags In Front Of Federal Courthouse by Eduardo Rivero August 1, 2020 Left-wing rioters have burned a stack of bibles and American flags in front of the Mark O. Hatfield United States ...
VIDEO: After Seattle’s CHOP Becomes Permanent, Portland Quickly Destroys Its ‘Autonomous Zone’ by Archive June 18, 2020 Authorities remove fledgling autonomous zones borne out of lawlessness over recent rioting
VIDEO: CHOP Guided Tour Includes Angry Cafeteria Workers, New Garden, Half-Empty Bookshelf ‘Library’ by National File News June 17, 2020 Enlightening footage from the first ever guided tour provided by the CHOP Ministry of Tourism
POLICE: Warlord Raz Reportedly Extorts Businesses, Collects ‘Protection’ Money in Seattle Autonomous Zone by National File News June 11, 2020 Best reveals that the city caved to "public pressure" and abandoned the East Precinct
Seattle Autonomous Zone Warlord Creates Private Police Force, Gets Dubbed ‘Black George Zimmerman’ by National File News June 10, 2020 Rapper-turned-warlord rules commune streets with the iron fist of a privatized police force
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates