PORTLAND: Autonomous Zone Stockpiling Weapons, Ammo, Now Has Armed Sentries by Archive December 10, 2020 The lawlessness in Portland, Oregon is now to the point where aggressive groups of protesters are creating armed zones and ...
UFC’s Jorge Masvidal Wants To Stand Guard At MAGA Events After Seeing BLM Attack Footage by National File News November 14, 2020 The mixed-martial arts star mused about wanting to "get a couple of teammates and start attending these things"
RIOTS: Post-Election Violence in Portland, Denver, New York, and L.A. Sees Arrests, National Guard Activation by Archive November 5, 2020 As states across the country struggle with ballot counts and preventing fraud during tabulations, the disgruntled Marxists of the Left ...
Protesters Mobilize To Pressure Trump To Concede Election by Archive November 4, 2020 As polls across the country closed and ballots were starting to be counted, violent protesters assembled in the streets of ...
LEAKED ZOOM CALL: DC Antifa Have Planned Violence for Election Night by Archive November 3, 2020 Leaked information from a Zoom call that instructed and coordinated groups like Black Lives Matter Antifa and Shutdown DC show ...
VIDEO: DC Boards Up Ahead of Anticipated Violence in the Face of a Trump Victory by Archive November 3, 2020 Downtown Washington, DC, looks like they are preparing for war and that wouldn’t be too much of an exaggeration. In ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates