Last Updated on February 17, 2022
Florida state Rep. Anthony Sabatini, now a candidate for the U.S. House, is laying blame at mainstream media outlets after a uniformed Antifa “domestic terrorist” attempted to bomb a Florida January 6 rally where he was the keynote speaker.
Garrett Smith, 22, was arrested for allegedly carrying an active pipe bomb and other explosives while attempting to enter a rally protesting the treatment of January 6 political prisoners.
Police say Smith had an active pipe bomb on his person, and revealed that a search of his home – which he shares with his parents – revealed more explosives, tape and nails for grenades, and a “direct action” checklist that included Antifa iconography.
The helmet police found Smith with also contained three spears, another known Antifa symbol.

Sabatini described Smith as a “domestic terrorist” who attempted to instill fear into conservatives calling for due process.
“It’s sick and twisted that the mainstream media has decided to totally ghost the story because it goes against the narrative,” Sabatini told National File.
The narrative being that “Everybody who believes J6 prisoners deserve due process rights” is a “domestic terrorist.”
“The fact is we have a legitimate domestic terrorist, a radical leftist pipe bomber, showing up to the rally in order to kill a bunch of people while wearing Antifa gear,” said the Florida Republican.
“He’s completely ignored by the media?” Sabatini asked, “The media is complicit in this violence and danger.”
CONFIRMED: Defendant is a member of Antifa—pictured here is his “three arrows” Antifa helmet
— Rep. Anthony Sabatini (@AnthonySabatini) January 8, 2022
It has been confirmed that Smith recently returned to his parents’ Florida home after spending an unknown period of time in Portland, Oregon.
That city is a known recruitment area for Antifa.
The “direct action checklist” police found at Smith’s home contains the typical uniform of Antifa, including clothing to participate in the “black bloc” tactical unit that allows them to evade capture.
Under “gear,” the checklist includes a “black umbrella,” which is used by Antifa members to obscure themselves from security cameras and deflect less than lethal crowd control projectiles.
Other gear on the list includes a gas mask, a baton, lighters, pepper spray, “flammable rags,” a “firework satchel” and “construction nails.”

Sabatini said he believes Smith was radicalized by the media.
“They know their narratives and rhetoric spur these types of extremists to plan methodical killings, and yet they have no regret,” said Sabatini. “They pay no attention to the effects of their actions, and that is disturbing and disgraceful.”
“The media is willing to knowingly drum up this type of extremist.”
2 days after an Antifa terrorist attempted to blow up the rally I spoke at with a pipebomb, the mainstream media has still refused to report the story
Absolutely sick
— Anthony Sabatini (@AnthonySabatini) January 8, 2022
Local media has characterized the story in vague terms, and included extraneous information about a January 6 defendant that left many – including Sabatini – confused.
The event has received little national attention outside of conservative circles.
While Sabatini was noticeably on edge after his brush with disaster, he both stressed that the rapid police response from Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri and his department should give conservatives reason to feel safe, and said that this foiled attack should not keep conservatives from expressing political opinions in public.
“Don’t let the radical left and the true domestic terrorists instill fear upon the peaceful, patriotic Americans those who stand up for the U.S. Constitution,” said Sabatini.
“This country was founded by great patriots who stood against enormous danger and peril to create a free society, and the enemies of freedom have never gone away since the beginning of this country.” He added, “They’re more concentrated than they’ve ever been, but they’ve always been here.”
“People like him who want to destroy freedom, kill free people, and destroy this self governing Republic, it’s the duty of every American to stand against them.”
This is not the first time a member of the radical left has attempted to use explosives at a Florida demonstration.
In June of 2020, a Florida man and convicted felon was arrested for carrying a Molotov cocktail to a George Floyd protest. He attended the protest as a member, and claimed he was carrying the weapon for a friend, but knew what it was.