Last Updated on November 23, 2023
Legendary Infowars War Room host Owen Shroyer wrote a letter from inside the FCI Oakdale federal prison in Louisiana, where he is being held as a free speech prisoner in connection to his advocacy for election integrity after the stolen 2020 presidential election. In the letter, Shroyer described his life as “a prisoner of war in my own country.”
On November 22, Owen Shroyer’s lawyer Norm Pattis stated: “Owen Shroyer has been released from solitary confinement. He’s no longer in the SHU. He is in general population. According to the Bureau of Prisons website, his estimated release date is December 18…it wouldn’t surprise me to see him released as early as the 14th or 15th.”
Even though Shroyer is in the general population now, his time in Oakdale sounds downright disturbing, especially considering that he has been in solitary confinement (“the SHU”) for substantial stretches of time.
“The…letter was from 11/9. The conditions have improved substantially since then, as more recent updates from Owen’s attorneys have indicated. However, the letter is still relevant as those were his conditions for what will be over 50% of the course of his stay,” reported the @OwenShroyer1776 account on X.
“I no longer have any access to the outside world. I’m in lockdown all day. I only get out for 15 minutes to shower on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I get my mail and some books, but that’s it. All the mail is very important and special to me at this point. I hope it keeps coming. I have finished 4 books and I am halfway finished with the Bible,” Owen Shroyer wrote.
“And thus the torturous treatment as such. A prisoner of war in my own country, locked up and tortured for my speech. In prison for my speech, then in prison inside a prison for my speech. The starving days and sleepless nights continue,” Owen Shroyer wrote.

It was difficult for Shroyer to even get a recent phone call with his attorney Norm Pattis.
“Unbelievably, FCI Oakdale claimed that Owen’s attorney was an imposter trying to gain access, which is why his legal call (which is allowed during solitary confinement so long as it’s pre-arranged with the facility) was denied for nearly a week. This is highly unusual behavior,” reported @OwenShroyer1776.
Previously, Owen Shroyer addressed his fans with a speech from inside prison, which he recorded on a phone call after he was briefly released from solitary confinement. (LISTEN TO OWEN SHROYER’S SPEECH HERE).
Owen Shroyer sounded strong and resilient when he addressed his fans on a phone call, prior to getting thrown back into the Hole.
“Ladies and gentlemen, Owen Shroyer here. This is the first time you are hearing from me since my speech incarceration, and I don’t really want to get into what’s going on here on the inside. I’m much more concerned about what’s going on out there. But I will say, I am finally out of my solitary confinement for a week, and I’m extremely blessed because your prayers have come through,” Owen Shroyer said, elaborating on his relative good fortune.
“Some friends helped me get through it with some conversations as well as getting me a digital radio. So I had some reach with the outside world. And I was also able to follow a bit of the news via some talk shows. And we have a TV here that I’m able to tune into on the FM dial as well. And they have newscasts up as well. And of course, I could sit here and talk about all the Biden crime family corruption that we’ve seen. The media that is obsessed with war propaganda and all the regular stuff. But that’s not what I want to bring to this message today,” Owen Shroyer said.
“I’ve just got done reading some of the mail that has been sent to me, and to try to express how important it is or what it means to me would simply be impossible. I do somehow plan to show you how grateful I am for that when I do get out of here. But I’ve got to say, my shirt has grown. I have to wear a double XL shirt now because my heart has grown so much from your fan mail. And also I’m now wearing double XL pants because well, I’ll just leave that up for your interpretation. But seriously, every single letter that’s sent to me, I read every word. Some of them I read twice or three times. I can’t tell you how much they mean to me,” Owen Shroyer said.
“When I’m tired, I get energy. When I’m hungry, I feel I am fed. And it’s all thanks to your letters. When you write them, you may not think I read them or they mean much to me, but trust me. I read them and they mean more than you could even imagine. Now again, I don’t want to get too much into what’s going on here, but I have been helped along the way by some friendlies. Today is my first day out. And so now my life on the outside, as it would seem, begins. Of course, that being hyperbolic since I’m still on the inside. But when you spend seven days in solitary, getting out and into a jail and being able to move feels like the outside. It was bitter cold today,” Shroyer said before he was briefly interrupted by a message announcing that the call is coming from a federal prison.
“It was sunny. It was sunny the entire time I was in. And then of course as soon as I get out it becomes rainy and freezing. But let me tell you, the 40 degrees wind and rain couldn’t have felt any more refreshing than it did when I stepped out today. Probably just as refreshing as the sun would have felt,” Owen Shroyer said.
“But we will reshare the information. I hope you keep the mail coming. They had to bring a wheelbarrow in for me just to receive it. I’m being facetious, but that was the joke the guards were making. So, my life on the outside of the inside begins today. Once again, I cannot thank you all enough for your letters. I’m not sure everything that’s going on out there, but hopefully it’s encouraging. Hopefully there’s some good news and maybe I’ll be able to get a little more informed now that I’m outside and have a little more access to news, television, and this phone call. And even though my time on the phone will be limited, I will be using it efficiently to try to reach out and send as many messages to you as possible. I do hope to pull the impossible and maybe something that’s never been done before: hosting a radio show from a federal prison. But we’ll work on that as I learn the flow of my life now on the outside. The countdown has begun. Your prayers mean everything. Your letters mean more than you can ever imagine. I’m eternally grateful, and I cannot wait until the day I return to being live on air with you: my friends, my family, and my fellow patriots. Godspeed and God bless,” Owen Shroyer said.
In an address to his fans, taped right before he went into prison, Owen Shroyer said, “I promise that I’m never going to give up telling the truth. I’m never going to give up fighting for you.” Shroyer also called for his fans to use these 60 days to improve themselves as he tries to improve himself while incarcerated. What an inspiring message of positivity! Clearly, the fact that he is already getting snacks gifted to him by fellow inmates could be a hopeful optimistic sign.
Other patriots have undergone the torture of solitary confinement. When Baked Alaska emerged from his stint at the FCI Miami federal prison in Florida he gave his post-prison interview with NATIONAL FILE, and he described what it’s like in one of those “SHU (Special Housing Units).” Baked Alaska managed to get a copy of The Bible and a Game of Thrones book to get him through the experience. Guess how long Baked Alaska was in solitary confinement in Miami? Sixteen days!
“They take everything from you — no TV, no property, no radio, you can only shower 3 times a week, you can’t do commissary. You are locked down 24 hours a day. They escort you in handcuffs to even go to the shower. They enjoy torturing you in there. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done. The only way I made it through is God. My faith in The Bible,” Baked Alaska said of his time in solitary confinement at FCI Miami, where he claimed he was placed because an officer did not like his politics.
America Loves Owen Shroyer! Keep praying for Owen Shroyer, a free speech champion who deserves to climb many mountains in the future.