This 13 part Series will address the open source information (OSINT) available to determine the Counterintelligence risks posed to the nation should 218 members of the U.S. Congress elect Kevin McCarthy as the Speaker of the House, at a time when the pResident and Vice pResident are clearly illegitimate CCP-captured actors in the executive Branch.
When the nation needs a wartime Speaker of the House that can address a Constitutional Crisis never before experienced in our nation’s history, it is warranted for We The People to conduct a background investigation and counterintelligence threat assessment on the potential #3 Official in our Federal Government at a time when the DOJ and FBI is also captured by enemies of the US Constitution.
An unleveraged, not subject to blackmail, uncompromised and uncompromising Speaker of the House is necessary to ensure that he/she is in a position to redress the current Constitutional Crisis our nation faces.
This series will use the same 13 guidelines as set forth in the Director of National Intelligence Security Executive Agent Directive 4, National Security Adjudicative Guidelines, to determine the risk level of having a Speaker McCarthy and its potentially catastrophic impact on the States, State Nationals and the Citizens of these United States of America.

In Part A of this series, we address Kevin McCarthy’s Allegiance to the United States:
A: Allegiance to the United States: The Concern. The willingness to safeguard classified or sensitive information is in doubt if there is any reason to suspect an individual’s allegiance to the United States. The negative indicators include participation in or support for acts against the United States or placing the welfare or interests of another country above those of the United States. An individual who engages in acts against the United States or provides support or encouragement to those who do, has already demonstrated willingness to compromise national security.
Kevin McCarthy through his inaction of holding Joe Biden and other members of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches accountable during his tenure as majority leader, along with being a member of the Gang of 8 during the last two years, has demonstrated several clear instances of violating this adjudicative guideline through his brazen inaction in addressing the following:
- Investigating of Impeachment Hoax 1, Mueller Investigation, Impeachment Hoax 2 With Chief Justice Roberts providing cover for Eric Ciaramella and whether these investigations were CCP-inspired operations with the help of CCP-leveraged US BigTech and BigMedia companies as recently showcased via Elon Musk’s #TwitterFiles Dumps 1, 2, 3, and forthcoming this weekend dumps 4, 5.
- Demanding an investigation in CCP or foreign involvement in the 2020 elections of GA, WI, AZ, MI, PA, NV, NH, NE.
- Investigating the Biden family CCP-capture from the laptop evidence and stating he would not impeach the CCP Ambassador Biden (pronounced Xi-den) to the US currently squatting in the White House
- Sending $$$ to Ukraine so that it could launder and return it via FTX investments that the executives would then transmit to campaign and PAC contributions to his Congressional Leadership Fund PAC that in turn used these funds to take out American Patriots in their primary elections to include:
-Joe Kent in Washington’s 3rd Congressional District
-Laura Loomer in Florida’s 11th Congressional District
-Jarome Bell in Virginia’s 2nd Congressional District
-Anthony Sabatini in Florida’s 7th Congressional District
Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:
(a) involvement in, support of, training to commit, or advocacy of any act of sabotage, espionage, treason, terrorism, or sedition against the United States;
-On January 6, 2021 when McCarthy did not contact the President of the United States to inform him of the situation developing at the US Capitol.
There was an active Coup going on by the Presiding Officer Mike Pence, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, and Kevin McCarthy when these individuals agreed to only allow 11 members from each party and each chamber to be present on the House floor for the Joint Session. This clearly violated the quorum requirement under the 12th Amendment requiring that 2/3rds of the States be represented from each chamber.
Additionally, McCarthy did not inform the President of the United States that the Vice President was ordering the Military around as though he was acting commander in chief on January 6, while the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Milley was executing those unlawful orders, knowing full well that the 25th Amendment Section 4 removal of the President was not invoked.
Thus acquiescing to an act of treason.
Kevin McCarthy watched idly by as he acquiesced to this treasonous behavior by multiple constitutional actors.
(c) association or sympathy with persons or organizations that advocate, threaten, or use force or violence, or use any other illegal or unconstitutional means, in an effort to:
(1) overthrow or influence the U.S. Government or any state or local government;
(2) prevent Federal, state, or local government personnel from performing their official duties;
(3) gain retribution for perceived wrongs caused by the Federal, state, or local government; and
(4) prevent others from exercising their rights under the Constitution or laws of the United States or of any state.

-McCarthy made moves to violate Americans’ First Amendment when he demanded, “Can’t they take their Twitter accounts away, too?” As he attempted to cover up his involvement in an illegally certified election.
The most egregious example of Kevin McCarthy violating Adjudicative guideline A. was when he associated with and sympathized with persons (Pence, Pelosi, Milley) who used force and violence to enforce the unconstitutional certification of the electoral college on January 6-7, 2021. Additionally, McCarthy was complicit in preventing the Federal Government (over 90% of the members of congress) from participating in the joint session, to fulfill their constitutional and electoral count act duties in clear violation of statute and the 12th Amendment quorum requirement.
This report was originally compiled by Green Beret Veteran and Constitutional Attorney Ivan Raiklin and then censored by Substack.
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Stay tuned to National File for more of Ivan Raiklin’s expert counter-intelligence investigation into Rep. Kevin McCarthy, as Patriots within Congress take on the uni-party swamp to bring Kevin McCarthy’s campaign for Speaker to a screeching halt.