Last Updated on January 6, 2023
In a broadcast of Steve Bannon’s War Room on Thursday, radio talk show host and long-time journalist, John Fredericks, called out the “Conservative Inc.” establishment and FOX News as a “24/7 shill for Kevin McCarthy,” in light of a group of 20 Republicans who stonewalled the vote for Kevin McCarthy as U.S. House Speaker on Wednesday.
The veteran radio talk show host lauded the courage of the 20 holdouts who continue to stonewall the election of Kevin McCarthy (R-CA-23) as the possible next U.S. Speaker of the House.
“Number one Steve, this has been probably the greatest 48 hours in our movement. It’s energized our base like nothing I’ve ever seen. Our populace movement is now gaining steam with these 20 people who are actually standing up for us and standing for working people,” Fredericks said.
“The beauty of this Steve, in 48 hours: look what we’ve exposed. And the Club for Growth got exposed today. Let’s start with who we exposed in 24 hours. We exposed [the] entire Conservative Inc. The money making machine off our backs. FOX News, all of them. FOX News has turned into a 24/7 shill for Kevin McCarthy. That’s all they are,” Fredericks said.
“They’re not even reporting the news right? and you go right down the line the whole bunch of them: Newt Gingrich, Trey Gowdy, Jason Gavvits. Sean Hannity last night absolutely being so rude to Lauren Boebert. The woman actually stands for something. Couldn’t get a word in, kept cutting her off. I mean, Brett Baier. The whole bunch of them got exposed. It’s like you went in the kitchen, you turned on the lights and there are cockroaches. It’s like that bathroom in your basement that you haven’t cleaned in 20 years,” Fredericks continued. “Finally you go down there you rip off the mat and see all that scum and you’re like, ‘Oh my god get out the ammonia, I’ve got to scrub this thing clean.’ They’re all getting exposed, Steve. This is the beauty.”
Fredericks brought up the political action committee (PAC) called Club for Growth, which has a history of going against former U.S. president, Donald Trump.
“Now you’ve got Club for Growth and David McKintosh. This is a Never-Trumper Swamp Organization tied to the Chamber of Commerce. They’ve never stood for anyone of our America First populist views. Now you’ve got David Mckintosh: cuts the deal. At first he was opposed to McCarthy because he didn’t get anything.”
“Can people trust Kevin McCarthy, John Fredericks?” Bannon asked the radio talk show host.
“No, and they’re exposing it all. Club for Growth [is] another slime-ball PAC organization. David Mckintosh; nobody gives a rats ass what David Mckintosh says. This guy gets on, he’s like ‘oh I cut a deal with McCarthy, he’s not going to use the Super PAC money against my candidates. Therefore, I’m now for McCarthy. I’ve got 10 votes.’ They don’t have any idea what this is about,” Fredericks stated.
“This isn’t about hey you’ve got your bag of gold, you’ve got your piece of pie at the table and now you’re back with Kevin McCarthy because you got something from him. Nobody cares what David McKintosh or slime-ball Club for Growth thinks, that by the way, spent $1 million in 2015 and 2016 to defeat President Trump,” Fredericks said.
GOP Gang of 200 Meltdown Exposes Phony Conservative, Inc. Media Cartel
@Bannons_WarRoom #stevebannon @GOPLeader #kevinmccarthy #nomccarthy #godzillaoftruth #truckingthetruth @jfradioshow #JFRS #oracleofdeplorables
— John Fredericks (@jfradioshow) January 6, 2023
“These are the slime-balls that these 20 are exposing by the hour,” he added.
“I’ll tell you the other thing. We’re done collaborating with the Quislings and the Communists. Now they’re out threatening us. ‘Oh, we’re going to cut a deal with the Democrats,” he said.
“What deal are they going to cut? Oh they’re going to what, get another $20 trillion Omnibus bill? Oh, they’re going to get 20 Republicans to vote for that in the Senate? Oh, we already did that. Oh they’re going to get $2 trillion in spending for bike paths to nowhere with money we don’t have. Oh they already cut that deal. What exactly deal are they going to help? [sic.]” Fredericks stated.
“So, let me get this straight, Gang of 200. You’re willing to cut a deal with the Democrats to weaken the country, weaken Republican’s hand, weaken the majority, put more Democrats on committees, weaken the investigations. You’re willing to do that for what? To shill for McCarthy? What are you getting in return? This has nothing to do but shilling for McCarthy. It’s the Gang of 200.”
“Do you think Nancy Pelosi was ever going to compromise with Republicans and give them committee chairs in coalition government for bipartisanship? Was that ever a possibility with the way Nancy Pelosi and that gang over there rolls?” Bannon asked Fredericks.
“No, of course not. What we’re seeing is this gang of 200, putting their personal bag of gold, they got their hands out, they got their tin cups out. ‘If McCarthy doesn’t get in there, if my shill doesn’t get in there…Hey, what about the three-corner office you promised me with the four windows on the fourth floor, do I lose that?” This is what this whole thing is about. This has nothing to do with us, working people, spending money we don’t have, policy. It’s all about them,” he replied.
The Gang of 200 is willing to sell out working people in this country to protect their shill, Kevin McCarthy. That’s why we need to turn this around. It’s the Gang of 200. What is it they stand for? What is it they plan to do? What’s their plan? They don’t have a plan,” Fredericks said. “I’ll tell you what. We have a plan. That plan is ‘No.’ We’re finally standing up. We’ve got 20 people.”
“‘Oh it’s only 20. It only represents 10 or 15 percent,'” Fredericks said.
“Guess what? It represents 80 percent of our base because we’re all cheering these people on. One person with courage makes a majority. 20 people? We have a frickin’ army.” he added