Drag Story Hour Twitter Account Claims ‘Love Has No Age’ in Controversial Tweet by Archive August 12, 2020 The account was locked after kicking off a social media firestorm over the bizarre pro-pedophilia message
Former WWE Wrestler Admits Killing Pedophile Abuser, LGBT Media Insinuates It Was Homophobic Murder by Archive August 8, 2020 Former WWE superstar and Shawn Michaels "The Rockers" Tag Team partner Marty Jannetty shocked the wrestling community with a now-deleted...
Epstein Lawyer Alan Dershowitz Called for The Lowering of The Age of Consent by Archive August 4, 2020 Infamous Jeffrey Epstein lawyer and regular Fox News guest Alan Dershowitz defended a controversial op-ed from the 1990, in which...
RICKY GERVAIS: ‘Thanks, Hollywood. Oh, And Stop F***ing Kids’ by Archive August 4, 2020 The ex-Office Star has outspokenly mocked Hollywood personalities in recent years
VIDEO: Minnesota AG Keith Ellison Tells Rape Victims Not To Call Cops, Call Therapists Instead by Eduardo Rivero July 30, 2020 Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison suggests they talk to a "somebody who is trained in helping" instead.
VIDEO: Disrobed Protester Flashes Portland Police, Forces Them to Retreat by Eduardo Rivero July 18, 2020 Disgusted Portland police left the scene after naked protester exposed her genitals to them.
EXCLUSIVE: Anna Paulina Luna Discusses America First’s Negotiations Against GOP Leadership, Plus Matt Gaetz
EXCLUSIVE: Viral Leftist TikToker Who Cheered Hurricanes and Tornadoes Hitting ‘White Trailer Courts’ Identified