Black Intellectuals Blast Critical Race Training in Open Letter to Smith College After Hate Hoax by Frankie Stockes March 26, 2021 Employees of the school were forced to publicly 'cleanse' themselves of racism during the training
VIRGINIA: Restaurateur Who Ignored Mask Mandate Beats Government in Court, Will Keep Doors OPEN by Frankie Stockes March 21, 2021 The Northam administration was defeated in court and the business will stay open.
VIRGINIA: Blackface Northam Calls for Backup, Allows 69,000 Felons to Vote Ahead of Governor Race by Frankie Stockes March 19, 2021 Ralph Northam is giving 69,000 felons the right to vote as the gubernatorial election looms.
FIGHT BACK: Virginia Restaurant Owner Scraps Mask Mandate, Will Fight for His Business in Court by Frankie Stockes March 18, 2021 “I spent most of my adult life fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. I have no problem coming home and fighting...
VIDEO: Disturbing Footage Shot By GOP Senator Shows Illegal Migrants Streaming Across Southern Border by Frankie Stockes March 16, 2021 Migrants are swarming through the incomplete portions of President Trump's border wall, left unfinished by the Biden regime
VIRGINIA: Republican Attorney General Candidate Promises To Declare Democrat Gun Laws Unconstitutional by Frankie Stockes March 14, 2021 Chuck Smith, a Republican candidate for Attorney General of Virginia, declared Democrat gun laws unconstitutional and called big government gun...
EXCLUSIVE: Anna Paulina Luna Discusses America First’s Negotiations Against GOP Leadership, Plus Matt Gaetz
EXCLUSIVE: Viral Leftist TikToker Who Cheered Hurricanes and Tornadoes Hitting ‘White Trailer Courts’ Identified