RINO Retirement: Romney Announces he won’t seek Reelection by Charles Downs September 13, 2023 The globalist warmongering RINO known as Mitt Romney announced he is retiring from the United States Senate. In his departing...
CCP First: McCarthy Advances China’s Interests in Congress by Charles Downs September 13, 2023 In 2018 then-House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy killed legislation that would have blocked CCP companies from contracting out with United...
Uni-Party: McCarthy Still Wants to Fund Jack Smith by Charles Downs September 12, 2023 In a fiery speech on the House Floor on Tuesday, Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz revealed Speaker Kevin McCarthy wants to...
1 for 3: McCarthy Announces Biden Impeachment Inquiry by Charles Downs September 12, 2023 House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced the House GOP will be opening an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden. Matt Gaetz has...
Foreign Agent: Top DeSantis Advisor Pushaw Really Loves Ukraine by Charles Downs September 12, 2023 Loomer uncovered a video of top DeSantis advisor Christina Pushaw expressing her love for Ukraine. Pushaw previously registered as a...
Kilmeade, Fox Run Defense of McCarty Despite Failure to Impeach Biden by Charles Downs September 11, 2023 Brian Kilmeade and the DeSantis News Network, also known as Fox News, ran cover for Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Florida Congressman...
Trump’s Treasury Secretary Expects ‘Substantial’ Revenue From Tariffs, Reveals That Mexico Has Proposed To Match Our Chinese Tariffs
RFK Pledges To Investigate Childhood Vaccine Schedule, Dunking on Bill Cassidy By Ignoring Their Deal From Confirmation Fight
Iowa Lawmakers Pass Bill To Eliminate Gender Identity As A Protected Class Despite LBGTQ+ Insurrection On State Capitol