Last Updated on February 5, 2020
A patient, allegedly suffering from the Coronavirus, was taken down, in a gripping short video, by a man armed with a small bench and a group of mask-wearing individuals.
The footage shows eight men, including the order-giving cameraman, chase after a screaming man who was allegedly infected with the deadly virus down an empty street.
According to the tweet in which the footage was posted, the tweeter says: “One of the coolest chase videos on twitter….
“Suspected person infected with coronavirus it’s taken down by a 1.5 seater love seat bench stool… probably the most chinese take down in 5000 years.”
The Coronavirus has already infected tens of thousands with a rising death toll, leading some to panic.
Reports have emerged detailing escaped patients evading capture. Videos of assault-rifle-armed patrolmen wearing medical attire have also circulated social media, raising questions concerning the legitimacy of the information coming out of China regarding the Coronavirus.
A 31-year-old woman suspected of carrying the Coronavirus is reported to have escaped an isolation holding facility in Salzburg, Austria, provoking a manhunt to prevent the spread of the disease.
A similar incident occurred in India, where a patient suspected of suffering from the virus also escaped isolation.
Coronavirus patients have also attempted to flee in the quarantined city of Wuhan.
The UK has also launched a manhunt for potentially hundreds–if not, thousands–of individuals currently in the country who may have had recent contact with Wuhan; the epicenter of the virus.
The following tweet on the original poster’s thread reads: “It’s absolutely crazy…this man hunt for wuhan people…this was part of a much longer video too.”
In addition to the Coronavirus escapists, some patients have reportedly attempted to infect others with the virus by deliberately sneezing or coughing at people or public items such as elevator buttons.