A Christian University in Sioux Center, Iowa, is teaching students during their worship time about the new political definition of Gender, saying that Gender is an internal expression of how a person feels at the time.
“Gender is about clothing, interests, and mannerisms,” the instructor said on Wednesday at Chapel during a sermon tilted Sex/Gender and the Bible from the book Grace, and Truth.
Chapel time is a time meant for students to “reflect as a Christian community on contemporary issues”, according to the Dordt University website.
The purpose of the Book by Dr. Preston Sprinkles, according to his website is to” introduce Christians to LGBT+ people, the language to use and avoid, a theologically faithful view of marriage and sexuality, and practical guidance on how to embody the love of Christ toward sexual and gender minorities.”
From the Dordt instructor, “Sex simply means Biological Sex. It is self-evident. Sexual anatomy, hormones and chromosomes. Reproductive Organs”
“Gender is often confused and misused. Your own internal self of self, who you are on the inside, how you express yourself with clothing and mannerisms and interests you have a well, cultural expectations and Biological Sex. Gender is cultural, ” he said.
These comments, widely considered controversial within Christian circles, come at a time when other religious leaders are calling on the church to stop promoting Gender activists and to get back to teaching about the Bible.
Other works of Sprinkles are why he has stopped pledging allegiance to America, Devine Sex, Downward Glory, and Sex and Drinking for Christians.
Such expressions of heterodoxical thought have become increasingly common within more socially liberal sects of cultural Christianity.
Non-binary gender expression and “queer theory,” stemmed primarily from the work of Michel Foucault, who questioned whether self-control over sexual passion needed to be controlled. Foucault also challenged the prominence of heterosexual norms, and the binary conception of gender.
It didnt take long to go from Foucault, who rose to prominence in the sixties, to get to gender bending hair bands intended for adult consumption in the eighties to the wide publication and dissemination of gender non-binary literature intended for consumption by children.