Last Updated on September 23, 2024
A Trump-hating Colorado judge has just denied the latest of two motions that would’ve resulted in a new trial for Tina Peters, the Mesa County Clerk in Colorado who exposed criminality inherent in .
Peters, who is awaiting sentencing on October 3rd, was charged with “influencing a public servant” for working to carry out her duty to guard election information from what is now seen by many as a fraudulent election — the fifty distinct federal election contests between Joe Biden and Donald Trump on November 3rd, 2020.
Peters blew the whistle on transparency and security failures in the 2020 election after performing her obligation to protect and preserve the election records of the voters who put her in office.
Peters’s attorneys requested that Polis appointee Matthew David Barrett, continue Peters’s sentencing hearing until after the November 5, 2024, general election.
Barrett was appointed by Jared Polis in 2019, just ahead of the 2020 election.
District Attorney Dan Rubinstein was very excited to receive Judge Barrett as a district court judge in the 21st judicial district.
“We are very excited for Barrett,” said District Attorney Dan Rubinstein.
So it was no surprise when Rubinstein and Barrett began to collude to railroad Peters’s defense.
Corporate-State-syndicate radio conglomerate at Colorado Public Radio (CPR) broadcast their anti-freedom rhetoric in a post last month: “Attorneys prosecuting the case against a former Mesa County Clerk have had enough of the defense team straying into subjects and topics deemed off-limits ahead of trial.”
Colorado Public Radio corporate-state scribe Tom Hesse has dutifully lambasted Peters’ defense for discussing the matter at hand: Election Integrity.
CPR and the State of Colorado are attempting to avoid substantive, under-oath discussion of Dominion Voting Systems, the company that was paid nearly a billion dollars by Fox News in a settlement of a lawsuit that never went to trial.
Fox News, the Australian news company that led the way in calling the 2020 election for Joe Biden, received $100 million loan from The Bank of China, a Communist affiliated bank, as a part of a larger loan deal to the Murdoch family that totaled $1.25 Billion.
CPR and NPR’s underwriters have included Raytheon, Monsanto, Novonordisk, CitiBank, and Cargill.

Rubinstein, the Mesa County District Attorney, has overtly told media outlets he seeks to impose a chilling effect on officials whose job is to conduct and oversee secure elections.
When asked by Colorado Public Radio reporter Ryan Warner whether there was a “message that [the Tina Peters] verdict, sentence … can send to the community and to others who might be mulling some similar action,” Rubinstein replied in the affirmative.
“Yes, I do hope that this case sends a message.”
“I do think that clerks and recorders around the country or people running for clerk and recorder will pay attention. I’m certainly hoping that whatever the outcome is, which is very discretionary with the judge, will send that message,” Rubinstein elaborated.
Rubinstein’s comments are aimed directly at his pal the judge, Matthew D. Barrett.
Barrett, who has so far refused to recuse himself from the Peters trial, has turned a deaf ear to Peters’s attorneys’ motions to postpone sentencing until after the election on November 5th.
Their contention is that rushing to sentence Peters ahead of the presidential election is obviously motivated by politics.
Mesa Co. D.A. Dan Rubinstein OPENLY ADMITS he wants his lawless prosecution of @realtinapeters to send a message to Election Officials:
DO NOT CROSS Dominion, Garland, or the Democrat Fraud Machine.
If you do, you WILL BE CHARGED with multiple felonies & sentenced to prison.
— National File (@NationalFile) September 23, 2024
“Sentencing in this case should be postponed until after the election of November 5, 2024 is certified, so that clerks and recorders, and people running for clerk and recorder, will not be intimidated in performing their duties during and after the election,” their motion reads.
Dan Rubenstein’s pal Barrett — who was appointed by Jared Polis, outright rejected the motion, indicating his clear partisanship on the issue of the outcome of the election, and on how County Clerks should be dealt with.
“Any sentence imposed by this Court, but particularly a sentence of incarceration, would have a chilling effect on Clerks and Recorders not only in Colorado, but across the United States,” Peters’s attorneys wrote in their motion.
Rubinstein demonstrably lied during his interview with Colorado Public Radio, Peters’ attorneys write in their motion.
“DA Rubinstein made false statements in the CPR interview intended to intimidate clerks and recorders into believing that Clerk Peters is guilty of other crimes that she did not commit,” they wrote.
Specifically, the motion refers to Rubinstein’s claim that Clerk Peters “was guilty of stealing passwords.”
Rather, Clerk Peters was engaged in lawfully carrying out the duties of her office, the motion asserts.
Rubinstein’s “statement is false because Clerk Peters was not charged with or convicted of stealing passwords or any other cyber-crime.
The statement is also false because Clerk Peters was not charged with or convicted of delivering passwords to anyone who had physical access to the Mesa County voting system computers.”
Peters’ efforts to conduct a transparent election required her to engage with experts in cyber security whose job it is to assist in the transparent record keeping required to provide accountability for complex, closed-source election machines foisted on the citizens of Mesa County.
“Clerks and Recorders are elected by their constituents to conduct transparent elections according to federal and state election laws. Clerks have duties under federal and state constitutions and statutes. There are situations in which a Clerk’s constitutional or statutory duties differ from policy promulgated by a Secretary of State. In such cases, the Clerk is duty bound to follow the constitution and federal and state statutes,” her attorneys asserted.
Colorado’s “Balding, Gay Jew Now Leading America’s Governors”
A POLITICO puff piece introduced Jared Polis to America as the “balding, gay Jew now leading America’s governors.”
NBC News breathlessly celebrated Jared Polis for being the “first openly gay man elected governor” in the United States.
Polis is notorious for his partisanship and his tyrannical approach to governance, and has lately taken to defending the invasion of violent Venezuelans in Aurora, en masse.
In a case of what formerly may have been called “strange bedfellows,” the NeoCons at Bill Kristol’s Bulwark and the oligarch-funded LARPing libertarians at Libertarian Incorporated, such as John Stossel and (t)Reason Magazine’s faux Steam Punk cool guy Nick Gillespie have taken to defend Polis, the tyrannical gay Jew governor who puts grandmas into prison.
READ: CO Gov Jared Polis Says Kids Should Lie And Get COVID Vaccine Without Parents Knowing
Barrett is the judge who famously arrested Peters on the mere suspicion that she had recorded court proceedings, without evidence.
The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel reported Colorado Supreme Court Justice Richard Gabriel’s opinion on the matter:
“It appears undisputed, however, that Judge Barrett did not personally observe whether Peters had been recording,” wrote Gabriel, though he refused to have the Polis-appointed judge, Barrett, deposed in the dispute.
Gabriel thus upheld the contempt of court allegation made against Peters by the homosexual-appointed judge, Matthew D. Barrett.
Peters’s sentencing hearing is currently scheduled for October 3.
Supreme Court Justice Richard Gabriel was installed by former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper.
Gabriel is a New Yorker who grew up in Brooklyn and Long Island.
An iPAD and More Persecution
In 2022, Tina Peters was in the gallery of proceeding for her Chief Deputy, who faced similar charges for trying to secure the election. During the proceedings, District Attorney Rubinstein saw Tina’s iPAD and accused her of recording the proceeding.
That accusation ended in criminal charges.
The following day, Mesa County authorities got a search warrant to seize Tina’s iPAD. They followed her to a bagel shop where she was having lunch, handcuffed her, confiscated her iPAD, charged her with obstruction of government operation, and charged her with lying and contempt.
The Rubinstein/Barret tag team duo found Peters guilty on both charges after they refused to open the iPAD to investigate whether there was a recording or not.
Rubinstein later admitted during a deposition that he didn’t know whether Tina was recording or not.
Mesa County is a county in far western Colorado, on what’s called the Western Slope. Typically, it’s been considered to be a conservative stronghold.
Since the Rocky Mountain Heist, however, the behavior of politicians there does not seem to comport with Colorado’s former frontiersman-like attitudes and affinities.
The Trump-Hating Left will break laws to imprison their opponents.
Pundits have pointed out that whether the target is Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Donald Trump’s multiple bogus indictments, or Tina Peters, the mainstream media has proved that they will collude with pliable authorities to persecute and prosecute anyone and put them into prison if they dare to shine the light on Dominion Elections and the Democrat (and Republican) Machine that keeps oligarchs in charge.
The Democrat-Media collusion is so obvious, Jim Jordan created a Made-For-Fox “weaponization” committee in the U.S. House. Hearings have been held, speeches given to empty rooms, grandstanding performed for cameras in meaningless hearings, and social media clout has been chased ignorantly.
Little has been heard from Jordan lately, or many of his friends on the House Freedom Caucus.
If the cavalry is to arrive for public servants who want fair, transparent elections, it will not be coming from D.C.