Last Updated on November 4, 2019
The rate of suicide for the culturally embattled “Generation Z” has increased significantly in recent years, according to a new study on suicide rates among Americans 10-24 years of age.
The troubling pattern has developed among younger Americans, as Gen Z commonly refers to those born between the years 1995 and 2010.
According to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), October 2019 report:
“After stable trends from 2000 to 2007, suicide rates for persons aged 10–24 increased from 2007 (6.8 per 100,000 persons) to 2017 (10.6), while homicide rates declined from 2007 to 2014 and then
increased through 2017.”
Gen Z is generally accepted as the first generation to grow up with social media, regular use of smartphones, Fake News, and also to witness massive shifts in American common culture, norms and values.
Suicide rates have been rising for kids who are first to be forced to accept transgenderism as a positive and healthy concept in sexual development, at the same time that studies show higher rates of attempts among transgender teens than their peers.
This HHS study comes at a time when young high profile celebrity activists, like Greta Thunberg, are pushing an intentional panic inspired global climate hoax, demanding hopelessness in their speeches and collecting a massive following of enthusiastic fans on social media.
Gen Z is the first group of young people to be force-fed steady programming of pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality lessons in health class and population reduction lessons in Social Studies classs. “Healthy Relationships and Sexual Health Curriculum Frameworks,” is one of many lesson plans that teach about gender identity and homosexuality, and PopEd curriculum has lessons rooted in “decreasing human population growth and its effects on the environment and human well-being. ”
Depression is the leading indicator of suicide ideation. The Journal of the American Medical Association reported that in 2017:
“Suicide claimed the lives of 5,016 males and 1,225 females between 15 and 24 in the United States.”
That time period coincides with the height of the Democrat and Feminist-led hoax to hit American males with accusations of “Male Privlege” .
Mainstream outlets like Axios have even picked up on the worrying development, calling it “Generation Z’s Suicide Epidemic.”
The Suicide Prevention Research Center and far-left anti-Trump propaganda machine CNN lay the blame squarely on gun violence, stating unequivocally that “gun violence is the biggest stressor.”
Newsweek, for its part, blames social media, reporting on the Journal of Abnormal Psychology’s claim that loss of sleep and cyber bullying could be contributing to the spike in unhappiness among Gen Z.
The elephant in the room that most of the media seems to miss, however, could be drug abuse, of both illicit street drugs and “legal” pharmaceuticals, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
the author of Medication Madness, Psychiatrist Peter Breggin, says far too many Americans aren’t reading warning labels on their drugs, according to a CBN report. Breggin also posits that many doctors aren’t warning their patients of the drugs’ potential side effects.
“Any drug that is affecting your mind, your mood, your feelings, has the potential to cause a disaster. Most of the school shooters have been on psychiatric drugs, and a great number of them were on psychiatric drugs at the time or shortly before they committed violence. And violence and suicide go together. Are you going to turn your rage out or are you going to turn your rage inward?Breggin told CBN.
Daniel Amen, a Christian psychologist, told CBN News that parents should disallow use of social media until their kids turn 14. He also warns against the false sense of security parental controls can engender.
“So even if it’s safe, what it’s doing is setting them up to spend more and more time on it as they grow. And all the research I know says that’s a bad thing,” he told CBN.