Last Updated on October 7, 2024
GREENVILLE, SC — United Patriots Alliance, a conservative non-profit in the upstate of South Carolina, has announced their top legislative agenda item for the 2025 legislative session will be fixing elections in South Carolina.
UPA’s plan is to push comprehensive election integrity legislation that will ensure South Carolina has transparently run, accurate elections.
United Patriots Alliance (UPA) Tactical Strategist Evan Mulch announced the plan to take back sovereignty for the Palmetto State in a press release published to the group’s Substack.
Calling their legislation the Save America Election Integrity Act of 2025, UPA’s goal is to make sure South Carolina has the most securely run elections in the country — especially at a time when neighboring states like Georgia and North Carolina are flipping to purple, following formerly Republican-run states like Virginia and Colorado, and Arizona.
“The elections in America are not secure, so we’re taking the lead here in South Carolina with our Save America Election Integrity Act to make sure our elections are the most secure when compared to all of the other states in the United States,” Mulch said.
Mulch is not alone. South Carolinians across the Palmetto State have long decried the poor shape of the state’s electoral system.
Lee Bright, a conservative stalwart former senator from Spartanburg, just north of Greenville in what locals call “The Upstate,” has seen the breakdown of confidence in elections among the constituents he works for.
“The only way to return the citizens’ faith in elections is [using] paper ballots,” Bright told National File in a phone call interview for this piece.

Rob Harris, a conservative state house representative from Spartanburg County confirmed to National File South Carolina’s dire election situation.
“Current South Carolina election laws do not truly uphold the SC constitutional mandate that votes be cast in secret, but not counted in secret,” Harris told National File.
“In South Carolina, our hand-count ballot process does not allow for full transparency and is nowhere near ‘best practice’ standards,” he continued.
“Reliance on machines still sets us up for potential problems, in event of a ‘Crowdstrike’ or similar catastrophic failure,” he said.
Laura Scharr, who founded and runs SC Safe Elections is on the front lines of election integrity in South Carolina.
“South Carolina is one of the least transparent states in the nation. [Elected officials] tell us to trust the electronic election system but don’t allow us to know how our ballots are counted despite our constitution stating that our votes shall be counted in public,” Scharr explained.
“They won’t let us see the ballots in any way, shape or form. Once the ballots are CAST, they are no longer secret. There is a difference between cast versus counted ballots,” Scharr said.
“The votes are supposed to be counted in public, after they are cast secretly. When a black-box computer is counting the ballots, that count is not happening out in the open,” Scharr explained.
Phil Evans, who has served as an expert witness as an election integrity mathematical pattern analyst for top election integrity watchdogs such as Shiva Ayyadurai, confirmed Scharr’s, Bright’s, and Harris’s analysis.
Janis Price, one of the more well-known election integrity activists in South Carolina, recently compiled a substantial — if not exhaustive — look at what election law should look like in the Palmetto State after Act #150 passed into law, allowing increased access to early voting.
Price, a home schooling mom to five, runs Palmetto State Watch, a state-based watchdog news site that knows how to throw a punch.
“There are so many issues that Act 150 did not address,” Price writes.
Her fixes include doing away with ERIC, the Electronic Registration Information Center and cleaning up the chain of command in the administration of South Carolina’s elections.
“True election reform in South Carolina would provide for a clear chain of command and also put an end to the trend toward centralization with the expansion of the SEC,” she writes.
In addition, Price suggests that South Carolina should move back the deadline to certify the vote, noting that the state only allows election workers three days to certify the vote.
More time allotted to certify the votes would allow for more accurate post-election audits. A more comprehensive election reform law would allow “the process [to be] more open to actual observation by the public.”
Evans explained his preferred approach to election integrity fixes in an exclusive statement to National File.
“If we are to survive as a free sovereign nation, our election system must ditch computer- based tabulators and ballot marking devices in favor of hand- marked/ hand- counted paper ballots; strictly enforce legal citizen- only voting by requiring voter ID; limit mail- in voting to voters physically unable to vote in person; require and enforce the highest standards in ballot handling chain of custody; avoid/ minimalize/ eliminate scenarios where ballots are counted days after official Election Day; and Prosecute election law violators to the fullest extent,”
Mulch, of United Patriots Alliance, says UPA recognizes the nation’s dangerous slide toward Marxist communism, and wants to draw the line at their border.
“Most Americans see the path the constitutional federal republic is on is a dangerous one, and they’re moving to states like South Carolina to escape the rapid descent into communism,” Mulch explained.
“But it’s not enough to sit by idly and assume that South Carolina will be just fine, we’ve got to remain vigilant and fight proactively to protect the Palmetto State from the incursions being made by the Marxists here at home – even when it’s happening inside the Republican Party.”
Mulch says the team at UPA is working with top election integrity minds, both in South Carolina and nationally to build the strongest election integrity legislation in the nation.
“We’re working with the best election integrity minds around the country to develop South Carolina’s Save America Election Integrity Act, and we’re confident Republicans across the state will work to support free, fair, accurate elections here in the Palmetto State,” Mulch.
You can read the full release from UPA below, or here.
September 24th, 2024
United Patriots Alliance Announces 2025 Legislative Agenda: The Save America Election IntegrityAct
The United Patriots Alliance is committed to the preservation of every American’s God-given rights protected by the Constitution. We expect all elected officials to honor their oaths and fulfill their responsibilities to preserve those unalienable rights as free men and women in order to advance americanist (truly conservative) policies in the public square.
Greenville, SC – The United Patriots Alliance (UPA) announced their Legislative Agenda today for the 2025 legislative session in Columbia. The agenda is anchored by the South Carolina Save America Election Integrity Act.
“Most Americans see the path the constitutional federal republic is on is a dangerous one, and they’re moving to states like South Carolina to escape the rapid descent into communism,” said Evan Mulch, UPA’s Tactical Strategist.
He continued, “But it’s not enough to sit by idly and assume that South Carolina will be just fine, we’ve got to remain vigilant and fight proactively to protect the Palmetto State from the incursions being made by the Marxists here at home – even when it’s happening inside the Republican Party.”
“The elections in America are not secure, so we’re taking the lead here in South Carolina with our Save America Election Integrity Act to make sure our elections are the most secure when compared to all of the other states in the United States.”
“That’s why United Patriots Alliance is going on the offense, to put our domestic enemies in the capitol on their heels, so that South Carolina never sees election fraud like we’re seeing in Republican-led legislatures like Georgia and Arizona, where election fraud clearly impacted the 2020 election, and where it will almost undoubtedly impact this November’s election,” he said.
“We are proud to announce we’re working with the best election integrity minds around the country to develop South Carolina’s Save America Election Integrity Act, and we’re confident Republicans across the state will work to support free, fair, accurate elections here in the Palmetto State,” Mulch closed.