Last Updated on August 29, 2024
The South Carolina Board of Dentistry has moved to temporarily rescind the dental license of a dentist widely renowned for caring for patients who have been harmed by dentists who expose patients to toxic heavy metals such as mercury.
The South Carolina Board of Dentistry, which is chaired by Spartanburg dentist William David Stewart, who runs “Stewart Family Dentistry,” sent a notice to “halt the practice of dentistry” to Dr. Blanche Grube by sending her a letter to her address in Pennsylvania.
Chairman Stewart and the South Carolina Board of Dentistry, which operates under the aegis of the South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation, points to the fact that Pennsylvania’s Bureau of Occupational Affairs has initiated proceedings against Dr. Grube for the so-called infraction of removing toxic mercury amalgams from the mouths of patients who request those fillings to be removed.
National File has reached out to Dr. Stewart to determine whether he is paid in his role as Chairman of the South Carolina Board of Dentistry, and whether and how much he is paid to fill his clients mouths with toxic mercury.
Pennsylvania’s licensure board is waging economic warfare against Dr. Grube.
The state that has the trans health department chair wants her to pay upwards of $55,000 and perform four hours of re-training in four areas in order to regain her license.
Pennsylvania State Code, which went into effect on June 24, 1995, makes clear the fact that patients are allowed to request the replacement of their dental amalgams.
The code reads:
§ 33.213. Use and replacement of dental amalgams—statement of policy.
“The safety of dental amalgams, specifically, whether the mercury in amalgams causes or contributes to a variety of health problems, has become a recurring issue in dentistry.”
The code even admits that “elemental mercury has been associated with adverse health effects.”
The code continues:
“… nonallergic patients may request the use of alternative restorative materials or replacement of amalgam restorations in the belief, or merely the hope, that a medical condition will thereby disappear or improve. Dentists receiving these requests must make ethical and professional decisions compatible with the best interests of their patients.”
In summary, Pennsylvania statute:
- Secures the right of nonallergic patients to request replacement of amalgam restorations in the belief, or merely the hope, that a medical condition will thereby disappear or improve; and,
- Requires dentists to make ethical and professional decisions compatible with the best interests of their patients when complying with patient requests for replacement of amalgam fillings. Also establishes ethical guidelines for dentists with respect to amalgam replacement which preclude the board from acting against a dentist who meets the conditions.
Among other non-serious claims, Pennsylvania’s State Board of Dentistry suspended Dr. Grube’s license, holding that Grube “removed a dental amalgam,” and that the “removal of that amalgam was unnecessary.”
Pennsylvania’s State Board of Dentistry also held that Grube performed a cavitation surgery on several of one of her patient’s teeth.
In citing the cavitation as a problem, the PA Board of Dentistry stated that “Cavitation Surgery is not … A procedure recognized or identified in the professions of dentistry or medicine by this specific terminology or by any other synonymous terms.”
This is quickly proven to be a false claim with a simple search for the term “cavitation surgery” on any number of search engines, including Google, turning up many different results proving that “cavitation surgery” is, in fact, a thing.
It’s little surprise that Pennsylvania, a state that appointed a man who presents as a woman, could get basic medical facts so unbelievably wrong.
Here is the letter from the Pennsylvania State Board of Dentistry claiming there is no such thing as a “Cavitation Surgery”:
The State of South Carolina’s hinged its entire suspension of Dr. Grube’s license on the
Here is a photo of Pennsylvania’s “Physician General,” a man formerly known as Dick who transitioned to a woman, who now calls itself Rachel, who was nominated to that post by former Governor Tom Wolf, and later named to a leadership role in Joe Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services as Assistant Secretary of Health.

South Carolina recently tried to install a Health Czar, but that effort was blocked by the South Carolina House Freedom Caucus and Josiah Magnuson.
The bill to install a Biden-style healthcare dictator would have set up an “Anthony Fauci” type of health Czar scenario in South Carolina, according to many in the Palmetto State.
Despicably, Fox News ran to RINO leadership in the South Carolina State Senate in an attempt to “fact check” the Health Czar bill, claiming it did not install a czar.
Sen. Josh Kimbrell is funded in part by the Medical Association of South Carolina, which is still pushing the Covid bio-weapons on the citizenry of South Carolina.
The state’s ‘paper of record’, the Post and Courier, even encouraged the state government to crack down on the licenses of doctors who refused to fall in with the Fauci regime’s flimsy mandates to prescribe Remdesevir and Vaccines rather than hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.
Gov. McMaster’s choice to lead South Carolina’s Department of Health and Environmental Control, also called DHEC, is a dysgenic looking bureaucrat named Dr. Simmer (who thankfully decided to wear a mask during much of covid) but whose mask wearing was far out of touch with the average South Carolinian.
Despite the relative freedom enjoyed in South Carolina during Covid, Dr. Simmer openly pushed vaccines late into 2021, and reliably masked up.
It is unclear why Gov. Henry McMaster and the South Carolina legislature have pursued such liberal health care policies in the wake of the Covid ‘Pandemic,’ but it does not appear that the forces driving medical tyranny have decided to give up, even as 2024 comes to a close and America stares down the barrel of a potential Kamala Harris presidency and what appears to be an entirely bogus monkeypox “pandemic”.
Rather, their effort continues via licensing boards that seek to end the medical careers of doctors who advocate for patients who seek to exercise options outside of those prescribed by the medical establishment.
It has been widely known within the dental community for decades that mercury fillings are toxic.
The President of the British Dental Society for Clinical Nutrition, J.G. Levenson, penned the book’s foreword.
Mercury’s toxicity has been widely known about for decades. Dartmouth chemist Karen Wetterhahn famously died in 1997 from mercury toxicity.
The use of mercury in dental amalgams, or fillings, is widely recognized to be toxic and dangerous around the planet.
In February, the European Union, which regularly leads the United States in the arena of ensuring safe food sourcing, pharmaceutical therapies, and health care practices, has issued an all-out ban on toxic mercury fillings which begins in four months, on January 1st of 2025.
The Minimata Convention is a global effort named after mercury poisoning in Japan that has endeavored for nearly twenty years to eliminate mercury toxicity.
Groups like the American Dental Association (ADA), which until the Covid outbreak still enjoyed a high level of respect, continue to publicly advocate for the use of toxic mercury fillings.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) admits that toxic mercury fillings can harm dental patients, but still claims that “there are no known health risks associated with ingestion (swallowing) of small particles of dental amalgam,” but cautions against “inhaling (breathing in) mercury vapors” which “may be harmful in certain patients.”
The International Association of Dental Research “Affirms the safety of dental amalgam for the general population.”
The fact that the phrase “general population” conjures up images of prisoners rotting away in a jail cell somewhere is no coincidence.
Dental care for prisoners has long been recognized to be lacking. That poor care has spawned lawsuits against the privatized systems which administer the lackluster dental healthcare for prisoners.
Unsurprisingly, dental insurance providers use an economically coercive approach to pad their bottom line.
That economic coercion affects individuals sitting in dental chairs making the choice between types of dental fillings — toxic mercury fillings are often covered, while non-toxic, non-mercury fillings are usually prohibitively costly. The documentary “Evidence of Harm” covers this phenomenon at length. (You can watch it here for free on YouTube.)
But the economic terrorism even manifests at the macro level.
Ahead of the European Union vote to ban toxic Mercury amalgam fillings in early 2024, dentists with the Irish dental association applied economic terrorism and fear mongering in an attempt to continue the sale of cheaper, toxic mercury fillings, even going so far as to claim that a “combination of factors could make the [national dental health] service unsustainable.”
Dentists nationwide have been disciplined by state dental boards or regulatory agencies for warning patients or the public about mercury dental fillings or other harmful procedures such as root canals, going as far back as 2001.
Dr. Hal Huggins lost his dental license in Colorado for speaking out against mercury fillings and root canals.
In 2001, Connecticut dentist Dr. Mark Breiner was disciplined and fined $5,000 in December 2001 for advising patients that their mercury fillings and root canals could be contributing to their health problems.
Breiner is also the author of Whole Body Dentistry:Discover the Missing Piece to Better Health.