General Flynn: US Congress ‘Compromised’ by CODELs Featuring Pedophilia by Frankie Stockes October 30, 2023 General Mike Flynn says that the United States Congress is compromised by corporate lobbyists, globalists, and pedophiles who "totally own" ...
With Mike Johnson Flip-Flopping on Ukraine Funding, Can Matt Gaetz Use Clout To Stop World War 3? by Patrick Howley October 28, 2023 Can Congressman Matt Gaetz of Florida use the power of his Gaetz Caucus to make sure that Mike Johnson does ...
VIDEO: Speaker Mike Johnson Supports ‘Additional Aid for Ukraine’ by Frankie Stockes October 27, 2023 New GOP Speaker of the House Mike Johnson told reporters that he supports sending additional American aid to Ukraine, even ...
BREAKING: Rep. Mike Johnson Elected Speaker of the House by Frankie Stockes October 25, 2023 GOP Rep. Mike Johnson (LA-4) has been elected as the 56th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives after ...
GOP Speaker Nominee Mike Johnson Owned by War Machine by Frankie Stockes October 25, 2023 GOP Speaker of the House nominee Mike Johnson (LA-4) is financed by the military-industrial complex war machine that's drained America ...
Video: Hamas Thanks Ukraine for Selling Them Weapons by Frankie Stockes October 8, 2023 Video footage purports to show a stockpile of weapons sold to Palestinian Hamas fighters by Ukraine, as the man behind ...