Last Updated on January 29, 2023
An assistant principal at a Providence, Rhode Island high school is soliciting donations from teachers to pay off the “coyote” human traffickers who ferried at least one of the school’s students into the United States illegally.
Stefani Harvey, a self-described “queer activist” and assistant principal at Providence, Rhode Island’s Mount Pleasant High School, sent out an email request to the school’s teachers, soliciting $2,000 cash for a student to “meet his goal of $5,000” and pay off the “coyote” human traffickers who brought him into the United States illegally.
Coyotes work in direct concert with Mexican drug cartels, criminal elements of the Mexican police and military, and left-wing NGOs set up on the Mexican side of America’s southern border, to smuggle illegals into the United States. They routinely rape and murder their travel companions.
According to Harvey though, they’re “a group that helps people.”
“Please see the message below regarding your consideration for an urgent matter to support one of our own students here at Mount,” Harvey’s email to Mount Pleasant teachers reads.
“We have a student who came to America with ‘Coyote,’ which is a group that helps people,” the email went on.
“This group gives you a time frame to make a payment of $5,000 dollars to those who bring them into the states.”
“Our student needs our urgent support to raise another $2,000 to meet his goal of $5,000 by February 1st, 2023.”
“Please considering [sic] helping if you can by donating on Friday,” Harvey’s email continued. “Melanea will be around to collect money between 8:00-8:45am [sic].
While Harvey didn’t disclose what may befall the illegal alien student if he doesn’t pay the coyote human traffickers, it’s widely known that those who fail to make good on their payment could be killed, or conscripted into a life of crime to pay off their debt, creating a continuous cycle of foreign-born crime as a direct result of America’s wide-open borders.
Just last year, a group of coyotes left a locked trailer full of 53 would-be illegal aliens to die of heat exposure near San Antonio.

According to an outdated Twitter profile that appears to belong to assistant principal Harvey, she describes herself as a “black educator” and “queer activist,” and calls to “dismantle [the] school to prison pipeline.”
Based on Tweets she shared years ago, Harvey appears to have been an early adherent to the far-left Black Lives Matter organization.