Last Updated on May 1, 2023
Paraguayan Patriots have defeated the WEF and CIA-backed election coup that saw Klaus Schwab, his World Economic Forum, the US Deep State, and hackers linked to Brazil’s left-wing government meddling in the nation’s politics, with the aim of installing a Manchurian candidate to ignite the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” and “Great Reset” agendas in Latin America.
Paraguay‘s center-right to right-wing Colorado Party won the Presidency and both chambers of the national legislature, dealing a major blow to the “Great Reset” agenda of Klaus Schwab and his CIA allies, who were backing the globalist ticket of the left-wing Authentic Radical Liberal Party (PLRA).
The victories also deal a major blow to the establishment figures within the Colorado Party who, much like establishment Republicans in the United States, have been blatantly “captured” by the WEF and their Sorosian allies.
With more than 99% of the vote reported, Colorado Party Presidential candidate Santiago Pena has won the support of more than 1.2 million Paraguayans, giving him a 42% plurality of votes.
Efrain Alegre, the WEF’s man, won just 830,842 votes, equating to 27.49% of those cast.
Even left-wing Paraguayans rejected selling the nation out to globalism, supporting the populist, “dark horse”-style campaign of Paraguayo Cubas, instead of backing Alegre and the PLRA, which sought to pivot the nation towards Communist China. (Paraguay is one of the few nations on earth that recognizes Taiwanese sovereignty, something the PLRA and their WEF backers vowed to put a stop to, had they been successful in installing themselves in government leadership.)

“PARAGUAY HAS TRIUMPHED, JESUS HAS TRIUMPHED!!!!” wrote Paraguayan Patriot Jose Ocampos in a post he made to Twitter, summing up his nation’s Sunday election.
“The SOVEREIGN HAS SPOKEN, the discussion is over,” Ocampos said, with “the discussion” being globalist efforts to pull Paraguay into the World Economic Forum’s fold, something that Klaus Schwab has called critical for the realization of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” in Latin America and around the globe.