Last Updated on August 5, 2021
Legendary Texas Democrat operative Gerry Monroe is blowing the lid off 2020 voter fraud in Harris County, Texas, which houses the city of Houston. As NATIONAL FILE has extensively reported, the Joe Biden campaign’s Texas political director Dallas Jones was implicated in a voter fraud scheme.
A campaign assistant for Sheila Jackson Lee submitted fraudulent paper ballot applications on behalf of dead and unaware voters. Gerry Monroe appeared on NATIONAL FILE TV on Thursday with journalists Tom Pappert and Patrick Howley. Gerry Monroe did not hold back in calling out Democrat 2020 election fraud. Here is the NATIONAL FILE segment below, followed by massive evidence of the voter fraud scheme including undercover video, photographs, sworn affidavits, and an interview with a former top Beto O’Rourke campaign official: WATCH THE NATIONAL FILE INTERVIEW WITH GERRY MONROE ON RUMBLE HERE.
Here is Gerry Monroe laying out some evidence:
Identities of living and dead people were stolen in Harris County, Texas to fraudulently vote in the 2020 election, according to bombshell audio obtained by NATIONAL FILE. A convicted forger who mailed the fraudulent ballot applications in Democrat Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s district worked as a campaign assistant for Sheila Jackson Lee’s 2020 campaign, and has gotten paid by Jackson Lee’s campaign efforts in the past. The Joe Biden campaign’s 2020 Texas political director Dallas Jones oversaw this alleged voter fraud operation and he was interrogated by the FBI in the last weeks of the 2020 election according to insiders. The audio below includes phone calls in which people confirm that their identities or the identities of their dead relatives were stolen in Harris County. This information has been provided to the Texas Secretary of State for the purpose of aiding Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office in formal investigations.
AUDIO CLIP 1: WOMAN SURPRISED TO FIND OUT SHE HAS BEEN VOTING: “They’ve got a Sylvia Thomas…voting in Harris County,” said private investigator and former FBI Special Surveillance Group member Charles Marler, who called Sylvia Thomas and correctly cited her February 19, 1940 birth date. Sylvia Thomas says “I’ve been away from Harris County” and confirmed that she has not voted in Harris County in recent years even though someone has been obtaining absentee ballots on her behalf. The woman does not recognize the name of Tomar Bishop, who obtained the absentee ballots associated with Thomas’ identity, or Gloria Palmer, the recent Sheila Jackson-Lee campaign PAC vendor who oversaw Tomar Bishop. Sylvia Thomas wonders “What else are they doing?” in addition to fraudulently voting on her behalf. Here is Sylvia Thomas’ absentee ballot application in the 2020 election (with her address obscured), which is just one of the fraudulent absentee ballot applications in the possession of NATIONAL FILE:
AUDIO TWO: A DEAD MAN APPLIES TO VOTE: In this call, private investigator Charles Marler confirms with a woman in Harris County that a man who applied to “vote” in the election named Jesse Burks passed away on November 4, 2015. The woman confirms this death. The dead Burks’ address matches the address of the “voter.” The woman does not recognize Tomar Bishop, who obtained the absentee ballot, or Gloria Palmer, who mailed the dead man’s ballot application in.
AUDIO THREE: A DEAD MOTHER APPLIES TO VOTE: Private investigator Charles Marler confirms with a woman in Harris County that her mother Gloria Chambers, born in 1946, voted in the election despite dying in 2010. The daughter of the deceased voter does not know Tomar Bishop, who obtained the absentee ballot, or Gloria Palmer, who mailed the dead woman’s vote in. “That’s fine, because we don’t know either one of those people,” said the daughter of the dead voter, consenting to cooperate with Marler’s investigation.
Sheila Jackson Lee’s campaign paid convicted forger Gloria Palmer as a “campaign assistant” multiple times in 2020, according to Sheila Jackson Lee’s campaign financial disclosures. Investigator Charles Marler confirms that the Gloria Palmer, who was paid by Jackson Lee’s campaign, is the same Gloria Palmer who mailed in the absentee ballot applications in 2020. A record shows Sheila Jackson Lee For Congress PAC paying Gloria Palmer for canvassing and campaign work in 2018. Here is a record of Sheila Jackson Lee’s campaign paying Gloria Palmer to be a “campaign assistant” in 2020.
Investigator, Charles Marler, tells NATIONAL FILE that “The vast majority of victims are people who are not aware their vote was stolen. In Harris County the first ballot in from ballot harvesters is counted, all second votes are discarded for that individual.”
Democrat political strategist Damien Thaddeus Jones, who served as regional political director for Beto O’Rourke’s U.S. Senate campaign, has come forward to blow the whistle on a massive voter fraud ring in Harris County, Texas. The voter fraud ring is overseen by Dallas Jones, who served as Texas Political Director for the Joe Biden presidential campaign. In this stunning audio obtained exclusively by NATIONAL FILE, Damien goes into detail about Dallas Jones’ fraudulent activity and work for Biden. On the tape, “Sheila” refers to Sheila Jackson-Lee. This article below delves into the massive evidence of voter fraud — including photographic evidence and sworn affidavits — that emerged in Harris County in 2020, and how its direct link to the Biden campaign provides even more justification for President Donald Trump’s ability to claim victory in the presidential election.
Harris County, Texas conducted 24-hour voting in the 2020 election, even as the county became engulfed in a voter fraud scandal that ensnared the Joe Biden campaign’s recent Texas political director Dallas Jones. A well-placed insider named Constance Stanton tells NATIONAL FILE that Dallas Jones was interrogated by the FBI and fired by the Biden campaign after he was implicated in an illegal Ballot Harvesting operation in sworn affidavits first reported by NATIONAL FILE. This scandal has since been picked up by various news outlets across the nation, including by Fox News. Vote count discrepancies are reported in Harris County.
Sources within the FBI told NATIONAL FILE that Dallas Jones was interrogated but was not necessarily “picked up,” implying that Jones voluntarily submitted to FBI interrogation. Multiple sources tell NATIONAL file that Jones was fired by the Biden campaign. (RELATED: Texas Poll Watcher Testifies on 2020 Voter Fraud in Houston).
Here is what Constance Stanton told NATIONAL FILE in October: “Harris County Clerk’s Office in Harris County, Texas is intending to conduct an illegal polling operation on Thursday, October 29th, 2020. Harris County, home to Houston Texas, is the third largest voting county in the country with approximately 2.5 million voters. As Harris County goes, so goes Texas. As Texas goes, so goes the nation. Harris County did not allow the GOP State Conversation to take place this past summer and it seems the socialist Democrats took complete control of Harris county when they won offices in 2018, by a 200,000 vote margin.
20 private investigators have uncovered a great deal. What has been uncovered is a group of masterminds wanting to destroy the Texas voting voice. Some of the masterminds include Democrat County Commissioner Rodney Ellis and Democrat State Senator Boris Miles. They have two captains, Gerald Womack and Dallas Jones.
Jones was hired by the Biden campaign to run the Biden Texas operation. These captains have scores of paid vote harvesters working for them. Vote harvesting is a second-degree felony under the Texas Election Code. This is a criminal operation that these Democrat elected officials are running. Dallas Jones was picked up by the FBI, the weekend before last, for 2 days of interrogation. He was subsequently fired by the Biden campaign.
They harvest ballots by mail from nursing homes, homeless centers, door to door in poor neighborhoods, often dressed as Census workers. They offer $50 gift cards in front of stores asking people to take ballots by mail, acquired from the above, to sign and mail at a local post office. They hold ballots by mail in several locations where people forge signatures on the collected ballots by mail. Evidence has been presented to the local DA, Kim Ogg, who received a substantial amount of political contributions from Soros funded organizations in her election in 2018. The evidence included an affidavit and other evidence, including photographs, from a 30 year black police officer who was serving as a poll watcher and saw the election judge use a table full of IDs to vote unregistered people that were voting by drive through. This is a criminal act according to the Texas Election Code. The district attorney’s office did not even want to entertain our criminal complaint. This information along with other affidavits of harassment of poll watchers and alternate election judges was sent to the office of Republican Atty. General Ken Paxton.
The Democrat County clerk, Chris Hollins, instituted drive-through voting by anyone for any reason which is in violation of the Texas Election Code. A petition for writ of mandamus before the Texas Supreme Court last week to stop this illegal activity and they voted 7 to 1 to deny the petition. The County clerk has now opened up the early voting polling locations until 10 PM for the rest of the week until the last day of early voting, when eight polling places will be open 24 hours. Of the 120 early voting locations, the vast majority are in Democrat areas of the county. In violation of the Texas Election Code, Hollins independently mailed ballots by mail to all individuals 65 and older, in violation of Texas Election Code, which requires an individual to request a ballot by mail before it can be sent. Hollins planned on sending every registered voter a ballot by mail, but the Texas Supreme Court granted our petition and stopped this. The Harris County voter files have not been purged since 2016 when the Democrats took charge. We can document that dead people have voted in this election and people who have moved out of state. No arrest warrants have been issued and we do not expect them to issue any. In the meantime, the Democrats are implementing their massive election voter fraud scheme, mostly in open sight. One arrest would go miles in stopping this election fraud scheme. The drive through locations are located in primarily in Democrat areas. This also violates the 14th Amendment.”
Constance Harris’ statement concludes
PRESS RELEASE: Discrepancy in 3 voting counts from Harris County @CGHollins. Still no answer. Daily Record of EV shows 1,090,445 votes, while the number reported by Clerk to the @TXsecofstate is 1,081,265, & @HarrisVotes roster shows 1,092,521. Which is correct? #txlege
— Team Bettencourt (@TeamBettencourt) October 26, 2020
At, clicking on “Polling Locations” and then the clock icon for “Hours of Operation” show that beginning on Thursday October 29 there were EIGHT polling locations that had 24-hour voting rolling into Friday morning.
Texas poll watcher Raymond T. Stewart, a retired police officer, submitted a sworn affidavit Thursday that was provided to the Harris County District Attorney’s Office. That affidavit, first obtained by NATIONAL FILE, alleges that a Houston precinct judge and staff illegally used a stack of driver’s licenses in their possession to allow people to vote illegally in the 2020 election at a drive-through voting window created by the Coronavirus pandemic. Stewart’s affidavit and photos of the scheme are presented below. The acting precinct judge’s identity has been confirmed by the Harris County Clerk’s Office and insiders identify her as a Democrat.
Harris County, where Houston is located, is also the site where the Joe Biden campaign’s Texas political director Dallas Jones is accused of running an illegal ballot harvesting operation, according to two separate affidavits submitted to the Texas Supreme Court by former law enforcement officials. Here is the GoFundMe page for private investigators who are busting what insiders say is one of the largest voter fraud rings in the United States. Here is a photo from the scene of the stack of driver’s licenses.
Here Is The Sworn Affidavit, Under Oath, of Raymond T. Stewart:
“My name is Raymond T. Stewart. I am above the age of eighteen years and am fully competent to make this affidavit. The facts stated in this affidavit are within my personal knowledge and are true and correct.
“I am a 30+ year veteran Texas Peace Officer. I am a volunteer poll watcher for Candidate Andre Hines. On 10/13/2020, at 8:40am, I arrived at polling location Northeast Multi-Services Center, PRCT ID SRD141C, 9720 Spaulding Street, Houston, Texas 77016.”
“I informed the staff that I was a poll watcher for a candidate and had my paperwork. I asked for the precinct judge to sign my required paperwork so I could start work. The precinct judge is identified as April Elmore (Gibson) and she was there but refused to sign my paperwork and she instead directed me to someone inside named Madonna. Madonna signed the paperwork but not in the designated signature line. I then began my work as a poll watcher.”
“I observed several oddities but the most concerning was a table in-between the sign-in tables One and Three. At that table was a large stack of Texas Driver’s Licenses. Staff would come inside from the drive-through voting booth and scan a driver’s license from someone outside and get a ticket and return outside. But sometimes a staff member would search through the stack of driver’s license on the table, then scan it, receive a ticket and also go outside to the drive-through booth. As a Police Officer, I quickly became suspicious that they were committing a crime by having the unattended D.L.’s just sitting on the table and that possible voting crimes were being committed using these forms of ID. Also during this time-frame an employee of the Harris County Attorney’s Office came by and he conversed with April but nothing changed and he departed. Since I was there as a poll watcher and not there as a Police Officer, I just continued to observe and considered how to deal with this situation. About that time a Precinct 1 Constable (Deputy W. Schultz) arrived at the polling location and he happened to be someone I knew professionally. I spoke with the Deputy outside and informed him of what I had observed. He was amazed and asked for evidence which I provided to him.”
“Unfortunately our conversation was overheard by a staff member in the parking lot. The Deputy went inside the polling location but at this time the driver’s licenses were removed and hidden from the table. The Deputy departed the area apparently to consult with the election taskforce and supervisors. A spoke with him several times that day via phone and in person regarding my observations. At 1:00pm April commanded me to leave the polling location because I had observed and collected evidence and she informed me that ‘I couldn’t.’ I have not received any call from any Federal, County nor State official investigating these serious actions and crimes.”
Raymond T. Stewart’s Affidavit Concludes
The Joe Biden campaign’s Texas Political Director has been formally accused of helping to run an illegal ballot harvesting operation, according to two separate affidavits filed Monday at the Texas Supreme Court.
Two private investigators, including a former FBI agent and former police officer, testify under oath that they have video evidence, documentation and witnesses to prove that Biden’s Texas Political Director Dallas Jones and his cohorts are currently hoarding mail-in and absentee ballots and ordering operatives to fill the ballots out for people illegally, including for dead people, homeless people, and nursing home residents, in the 2020 presidential election.
The affidavits were filed as part of the class-action lawsuit against Harris County and the state of Texas, filed by citizens, called Steven Hotze, M.D. et al. Journalist Patrick Howley of NATIONAL FILEÂ has exclusively obtained this testimony and much more evidence will be coming out in the case. Dallas Jones was named the Biden campaign’s Texas Political Director in early September.
HERE IS THE AFFIDAVIT OF PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR AND RETIRED HOUSTON POLICE OFFICER MARK A. AGUIRRE, SUBMITTED UNDER OATH. READ IT HERE: AFFIDAVIT OF MARK A. AGUIRRE “My name is Mark A. Aguirre. I am above the age of eighteen years and am fully competent to make this affidavit. The facts stated in this affidavit are within my personal knowledge and are true and correct.
“I am a retired captain with the Houston Police Department I am now a private investigator.
“I am currently involved in an investigation related to a wide-ranging and fraudulent ballot harvesting scheme in Harris County intended to rig the elections in the Houston/Harris County area. This scheme involves voter fraud on a massive scale.
“Based on interviews, review of documents, and other information, I have identified the individuals in charge of the ballot harvesting scheme. These individuals includes political consultant Dallas Jones who was recently hired by the Joe Biden for President campaign to oversee their Harris County initiative. District 13 Texas State Senator Borris Miles, who is the handler of Mr. Jones, political consultant Gerald Womack, and Precinct 1 Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis. One of the companies these individuals are using as a front for this operation is AB Canvassing, although there are others that have been identified that we are investigating.”
“I have in my possession video-taped interviews of witnesses attesting to the aforementioned people having groups of people completing thousands of absentee and mail-in ballots, including completing ballots for deceased individuals; illegally going into nursing homes, with the complicity of the nursing home staff, and filling out and forging the signatures of nursing home residents; signing up homeless individuals to vote using the ballot harvester’s address then completing the ballot and forging the homeless individual’s signature.
“This entire operation is being run by the elite politicians of the Democrat Party in Houston/Harris County. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT.
“My name is Charles F. Marler. I am above the age of eighteen years and am fully competent to make this affidavit. The facts stated in this affidavit are within my personal knowledge and are true and correct.”
“I formerly worked for the Federal Bureau of Investigations where I was an Investigative Specialist conducting undercover operations on espionage and terrorist targets. I am now a private investigator.”
“In December of 2019, I was approached by two individuals who witnessed activity from an illegal ballot harvesting operation in Harris County. Since that date, I have been investigating the illegal ballot harvesting operation.”
“During my investigation, a core group of names continued to surface regarding the organization and operation of the voter fraud scheme. Witnesses have stated to me that Precinct 1 Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis and District 13 Texas State Senator Borris Miles are leading the illegal ballot harvesting operation in Harris County, Texas. Their chief lieutenants are Houston businessman Gerald Womack and political consultant Dallas Jones who work directly under them in executing the ballot harvesting operation in Harris County, Texas.”
“Witnesses have shown me and described to me how the ballot harvesters take absentee ballots from the elderly in nursing homes, from the homeless, and from unsuspecting residences’ mailboxes. The ballot harvesters then complete the ballots for their preferred candidate and forge the signature of the “voter”. Two witnesses stated to me that there are two individuals employed at the Harris County Clerk’s Office who are aware of the illegal ballots and help facilitate and mask the processing of the ballots into the legal stream of ballots.”
“I have been made aware of a law enforcement investigation in the Spring of 2020 regarding illegal ballot harvesting. Several interviews of individuals were conducted. After the interviews became public, former Harris County Clerk Diane Troutman, resigned alleging health concerns due to COVID-19. However, witnesses have told me that Ms. Troutman was arguing with Commission Rodney Ellis about the legality of the mass purchasing and mailing of mail-in ballots and that Troutman was concerned she would be included in the eventual arrest pertaining to illegal ballot harvesting. Instead of coming forward and exposing the scheme, Ms. Troutman abruptly resigned. Witnesses have stated that Commissioner Ellis was not deterred and continued to move forward with the plan to mass mail ballots and expand the illegal ballot harvesting scam. Another witness stated to me that an employee of Commission Ellis, Tyler James, has bragged that he could guarantee that the illegal ballot harvesting operation, with the help of mass mail-in ballots, could harvest 700,000 illegal ballots.”
“It appears that law enforcement agencies are currently investigating these alleged crimes and I will provide them with the evidence that I have already collected and am continuing to collect. Sadly, these law enforcement agencies will be working to prosecute these crimes well after the November 3, 2020 election.”
Here Is The GoFundMe Page for the ongoing private investigation which is working with law enforcement. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton recently announced 134 felony charges against four defendants stemming from an alleged 2018 Democrat primary scheme to use fake disabilities provide mail-in ballots to people who were not disabled. The Democrat claim that fear of Coronavirus constitutes a disability has been only partially successful in Texas. Harris County is sending mail-in ballot applications to county voters 65 and over, so nursing homes remain a hotspot for potential fraud. Texas began mailing absentee ballots to voters for the presidential election on September 19.
Citizen journalist Colleen Vera has discovered evidence of what appears to be a massive voter fraud ring operating in the state of Texas involving mail-in voting and Democrat political campaigns. Evidence presented below includes a video of a Democrat campaign surrogate harvesting mail ballots from a nursing home, audio of a Democrat campaign worker admitting to harvesting ballots from a nursing home, and mail-in ballots from Harris County that all have the same handwriting and envelope process.
Vera alleges that the campaign of Democrat Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee recently paid two convicted forgers, and that other Democrat campaigns have also paid convicted forgers for canvassing efforts. I spoke to Collen Vera regarding her findings as well as longtime Democrat Party operative Gerry Monroe, who knows full well what is happening in Harris County:
Breaking: Vote By Mail FRAUD BUSTED ON TAPE
— Patrick Howley (@HowleyReporter) July 30, 2020
Colleen Vera of Texas Trash Talk Reports…
After the 2016 Democratic Primary, a candidate for Harris County Constable (Pct 3), Jasen Rabalais, filed a lawsuit claiming that a campaign worker for another candidate,Michel Pappillion, “deliberately falsified, illegally completed or unlawfully influenced the ballots and early voting applications of elderly residents in Harris County.”
The lawsuit was dismissed. But the following audio tapes had been made by the  Rabalais campaign  after he found out that an “alleged harvester” was working for an opponent’s campaign.
Link to Audio #1:  Gives name of “alleged harvester”
Link to Audio #2: “Alleged harvester” explains the services provided (phone # redacted)
Then during the 2018 Primary, the following video was posted by Direct Action Texas. It appeared to show a campaign worker for Texas State Rep Harold Dutton Jr harvesting ballots of 400 elderly voters.
After viewing the video, I decided to do some research. I figured, if there was any evidence of mailed ballot voter fraud to be found in Harris County, the more recent one – Dutton’s race – was the best place to start.
I filed a request for public information covering the 1359 voters who voted by mail in Harold Dutton’s race. I requested electronic copies of the voters’:
- applications for ballots by mail and
- returned ballot carrier envelopes.
My first thought was to match each voter’s mailed ballot application with the voter’s ballot envelope and compare signatures to find those which may not match. But as I reviewed the documents, something else jumped off the page…
32 hand written applications for mailed ballots – all from different voters – but all written in the exact same handwriting.
Looking closer, something else jumped off the page.
All 32 returned their application for a ballot by mail in the same pre-printed envelope with the same style stamp.
… But then I printed out the envelopes which carried their returned ballots and the BIGGEST COINCIDENCE of ALL jumped off the page…ALL THESE VOTERS LIVED IN THE SAME PRECINCT! Precinct #259…Additional research showed this same handwriting on multiple ballot by mail applications from precinct #259 every year going back to 2008…If that wasn’t enough to cause concern, I had to title this set of applications “Alleged Harvester A” because I found two more sets of multiple applications with similar handwriting, envelopes and stamps from varying precincts. I titled those “Alleged Harvester B” and “Alleged Harvester C.”…
30 ballots from Precinct #259 – in which the voters voted for ALL the same candidates – and they ALL used the same style “X” to mark their ballots.
…I filed another public information request and received a handwritten sign out sheet for persons who had picked up packages of 50 or more applications for mailed ballots in 2018. Two concerning issues from that list.
- The FIRST PERSON to pick up multiple applications for ballots by mail in 2018 is the SAME WOMAN from the 2016 audio tape who explained how she accesses nursing homes to acquire mailed ballots for candidates.
- TWO of the first three persons who picked up multiple applications for ballots by mail in 2018 have FORGERY convictions…
Federal Election Commission records show that US Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee did make multiple payments to convicted forger Gloria Palmer in 2016:
Texas Trash Talk passage ends
(Collen Vera alleges that Sheila Jackson Lee’s campaign has paid two convicted forgers, Gloria Palmer and Sheree Harris Fisher, as recently as February 2020. Records show that Sheila Jackson Lee vendor Gloria B. Palmer is the same age as Texas convicted forger Gloria B. Palmer. Vera alleges that Fisher is also a convicted forger)