Last Updated on March 24, 2024
After a turbulent past few months among conservative cliques, The Daily Wire dismissed Candace Owens for her views of the Israel Lobby and noninterventionism. Zero of her neocon colleagues took to her side — the side of free speech and thought — so that begs the question: will the outlet maintain such rules and regulations?

In January 2013, Matt Walsh of The Daily Wire published on his blog “Bow Before Israel (unless you’re an anti-Semite)!” In it, he complains of the US foreign policy being “an unmitigated catastrophe” run by “bumbling Botoxed Dr. Evils.”
He advocates for former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel, who former President Barrack Obama nominated as the Secretary of Defense. Walsh argues that the outrage against the nomination was due to Hagel being “harsh toward Israel.”
I mean, he was once walking across the street with Prime Minister Netanyahu after a rain storm, and he didn’t lay down prostrate in a puddle so that Netanyahu could walk on top of him so as to avoid getting his sainted feet wet. That’s all it takes to be labeled ‘Anti-Israel’ nowadays.

Walsh jests at Hagel’s foreign policy stance as a “United States senator” rather than “an Israeli senator,” making “him a 21st-century Hitler.” He remarks upon the former senator’s hits against the Israel Lobby that it “actually proves his point rather effectively.”
… What exactly is the problem with what he said? Are we now denying that a Jewish lobby exists? … Lobbies, aside from the architectural structures, are in the business of intimidating. And bribing. And buying. It’s what they all do.
He goes on to say:
We punish people for making truthful statements and then turn around and whine, ‘Why won’t anyone tell the truth!’ Because they don’t want to be tarred and feathered by a violent mob of self-contradicting nitwits, that’s why. Only people who have never told the truth into a microphone don’t understand why people are hesitant to tell the truth into a microphone.
It’s extremely strange to read this blog as it is not evidence of any of Walsh’s character traits. He is extremely timid to talk about the Israel Lobby and could not even afford the words to support his former colleague, Candace Owens. But in the past, he had room for such a defense:
It’s astoundingly stupid that anyone would attack Hagel for simply stating that he’s not an Israeli senator and his primary loyalty is to the United States.

Walsh then says that putting foreign interests ahead of the constituency “can be arrested for treason.” He then rails on “blabbering dolt and dangerous Neocon degenerate” Lindsey Graham, who, oddly enough, he has mirrored his beliefs and rhetoric from.
It makes zero sense for United States citizens to be ideologues when it comes to Israel. I’m not ‘for’ or ‘against’ them. I don’t get into this mindless game of developing a ‘position’ on an entire country.
Walsh says those who say they support Israel are actually saying, “I support the Israeli government.” Then he mentions the surplus of $3 billion a year to the nation-state, which “goes to the government.”
How could so many conservatives who are so rightly skeptical of OUR government have such a childish love for a FOREIGN government? I don’t support the Israeli government. I don’t support our government.
Yes. All countries.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) February 13, 2024
He then ends his editorial by circling back to Chuck Hagel: “Maybe he’s the worst person in the history of this week. But if his only crime is refusing to buy Netanyahu a friendship bracelet and invite him for a sleepover, I’ve got no problem with this guy.”
Walsh completes his critique of the Israel Lobby’s interference in US politics by saying, “But I do have a problem with the fools who would call you a Neo-Nazi because you’d rather the three billion a year stay in American households rather than Israeli politicians’ wallets.”
America First Finally Reaches The Daily Wire
Does Matt Walsh still hold these justified sentiments while, at the same time, acting as a commentator under the boot of Jewish Zionist Ben Shapiro at The Daily Wire? Will the outlet dismiss him as they did with Candace Owens for much of the same? Or has he been “cured” of this filthy “antisemitic” rage?