Communist China-tied NBA player LeBron James admitted that he’s scared of free speech following Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter. In the wake of the ownership change at the notoriously anti-speech social platform, left-wing media outlets, pressure groups, and influencers have gone into panic mode over the idea of Musk lifting censorship policies and reinstating banned accounts.
LeBron James called free speech “scary AF” on Saturday just days after Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover, citing corporate media reports that some Twitter users had begun testing the platform’s censorship policies by tweeting racial slurs, to see if they’d be removed from the website as a result.
“I don’t know Elon Musk and, tbh, I could care less who owns twitter [sic],” James tweeted.
“I hope he and his people take this very seriously,” James said of the censorship testers, before calling free speech “scary as f*ck,” abbreviating the “as f*ck” portion of his tweet to “AF.”
“So many damn unfit people saying hate speech is free speech,” James went on to say in the tweet.

On Sunday, Musk responded to the tweet, possibly alleviating some of James’ free speech fears.
Musk informed him, by retweeting a statement from Twitter’s Yoel Roth, that “nearly all” of the racial slur accounts are “inauthentic.”
“We’ve taken action to ban the users involved in this trolling campaign,” said the response, assuring James that Twitter will be “safe welcoming for everyone.”

LeBron James’ repudiation of free speech came just after Elon Musk fired Twitter’s top executives and most notorious censors, and as previously banned users began trickling back onto the social media website.
Read More: Prominent Banned Twitter Users Began to Filter Back
Musk though, says he won’t be making any official changes to content policies until he forms a new content moderation council, which will be filled by people with “widely diverse viewpoints.”
Related: CNBC Falls for Ligma-Johnson Pranksters Posing as Fired Twitter Engineers
While LeBron James calls free speech “scary AF” and claims that “unfit people” are incapable of recognizing “hate speech” – which doesn’t exist under the U.S. Constitution – James himself has previously used Twitter to threaten violence against law enforcement.
But when he did, his account was spared, as James, the CCP-tied NBA star who in pursuit of “social justice” says he’s “more than an athlete,” was threatening cops on behalf of the Black Lives Matter movement.
James made the later-deleted Tweet in 2021 after Ma’Khia Bryant, a 16-year-old black girl, was fatally shot by a police officer in Columbus, Ohio. The shooting saved the life of another black girl, who Bryant was attempting to murder with a knife during an altercation, actively lunging at her when she was shot.
“You’re next,” James tweeted with an hourglass emoji, including a picture of the officer.
Despite pressure from Black Lives Matter radicals like LeBron James, prosecutors declined the charge the Columbus P.D. officer, finding that he acted in life-saving defense of Bryant’s almost-murder victim.

James’ calling for Elon Musk to continue enforcing Twitter’s censorship policies doesn’t mark the first time he’s defended the smashing of free speech.
In 2019, when ex-Houston Rockets General Manager Daryl Morey was punished by the NBA for tweeting his support of pro-freedom demonstrators in Hong Kong, who were being brutalized by the CCP regime, James defended the basketball league’s actions.
James, through both the NBA’s cozy China relations and his own business ventures, has personally profited from the brutality of the slave-driving Chinese Communist regime while accusing 21st-century Americans of being culpable for 18th and 19th-century slavery.
At the time of Morey’s pro-Hong Kong tweet, James reportedly “raged” to fellow NBA players that because of Morey, his own business interests in Communist China may suffer.