Last Updated on March 27, 2024
Democrat congressman Ted Lieu and Republican congresswoman Elise Stefanik teamed up to quietly introduce a bill to create a “directed energy” program that would include “high-energy lasers,” and the program would be a shared collaboration between the United States and the nation of Israel.
“Directed energy” weapons, including lasers, are designed to use powerful energy to attack opponents, intercept missiles, and carry out other offensive and defensive acts of modern war. How many times have directed energy weapons been used in combat or in everyday life? It’s a secretive business for the military-industrial complex, and scrutiny will only increase as the world experiences a whole lot of wildfires and various other natural disasters that seem to defy easy explanation.
This revelation could spark further concern about Israeli power in the United States, which many people feel to be a threat to American national sovereignty.
In March 2019, Lieu and Stefanik introduced H.R. 1795, the “United States-Israel Directed Energy Cooperation Act.” They had previously introduced it in September 2018. The bill was referred to the House Armed Services and Foreign Affairs committees, where it never progressed. The bill states that “Mr. Ted Lieu of California (for himself and Ms. Stefanik) introduced the following bill”…
“A BILL To authorize the Secretary of Defense, upon request of the Ministry of Defense of Israel and with the concurrence of the Secretary of State, to carry out research, development, test, and evaluation activities, on a joint basis with Israel, to establish directed energy capabilities that address threats to the United States, deployed forces of the United States, or Israel, and for other purposes,” the bill states.
“Congress finds the following…Directed energy platforms are electromagnetic systems capable of converting chemical or electrical energy to radiated energy and focusing it on a target, resulting in physical damage that degrades or neutralizes an adversarial capability. These systems include high-energy lasers that emit photons and high-power microwaves that release radiofrequency waves…The United States and Israel successfully partnered on directed energy capabilities during the 1990s and early 2000s based on earlier-generation chemical laser technology, including the Tactical High Energy Laser (THEL)…Since 2014, Israel has been developing Iron Beam, a laser platform to intercept mortars. In response to a growing missile threat, Israel’s Ministry of Defense has increased investments in directed energy capabilities in recent years…In 2017, the Department of Defense issued a report to Congress on the merits of renewed United States-Israel cooperation on directed energy, concluding that, “The United States should pursue joint collaboration with Israel on directed energy capabilities.”…In 2018, while offering remarks at the Directed Energy Summit, Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering Michael Griffin expressed support for the United States partnering with allies to develop directed energy technologies,” the bill states.
“Any activities carried out pursuant to such authority shall be conducted in a manner that appropriately protects sensitive information and the national security interests of the United States and the national security interests of Israel,” the bill states.
“The Secretary of Defense is authorized to provide maintenance and sustainment support to Israel for the directed energy capabilities research, development, test, and evaluation activities authorized in subsection (a)(1). Such authority includes authority to install equipment necessary to carry out such research, development, test, and evaluation,” the bill states.
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Israel has been repeatedly accused of spying on the United States. Israel has been accused of spying on the Donald Trump White House and also spying on the U.S. army’s intelligence analyst training base at Fort Huachuca in Arizona. These disturbing allegations should make American politicians think twice before approving more billions of dollars in wartime aid to Israel.
Current Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu stood accused of spying on President Donald Trump. That’s right. When U.S. senior officials told Politico back in 2019 that the Israelis planted “StingRay” cell phone surveillance gadgets in the general area of the White House (the kind of gadgets that pretend to be fake cell phone towers to steal cell phone user data) Netanyahu denied the claim. But Netanyahu was a White House guest during the time parameters of the Politico report.
An ex-U.S. Army intelligence analyst and Afghanistan War veteran named Cody R. told me the following story, with the promise that he was telling the hand-on-Bible truth.
Whistleblower Cody R. told me: “In early 2012 I did my basic training at Fort Jackson, SC. After finishing Basic Combat Training (BCT) I was sent to Fort Huachuca, AZ to begin training as an intelligence analyst (35F at the time).
Every Army base has a town next to it, this one is called Sierra Vista and it has a crappy little mall. Well after enough time in training you’re allowed to leave the base during the weekend as long as your back for evening and Sunday counts. Lots of soldiers hang out at the mall. All malls have those little kiosks that sell sunglasses and cheap jewelry and stuff.
Well at some point a laptop kiosk became a thing at the Sierra Vista mall. These laptops were the real expensive for the time. Somewhere between $800 and $1700. These laptops were however being sold at “deals” to service members for hundreds of dollars less the retail value. (It’s pretty easy to pick out service members, the hair, glasses, tan lines on wrists and age).
Well at some point it became knowledge on base about these laptops and that set off some bells and whistles in senior leadership. CID was dispatched to investigate. What did they find? These computer kiosk salesmen were Mossad Operatives and the laptops had software and hardware installed to spy. You could reinstall the software but the chips hardwired reinstalled and still gave them access to the keyboard, microphone, webcam and screen. Think about it, soldiers often take their laptops on deployment and OPSEC is often preached but isn’t always followed. There is the Israel I know.”
(Whistleblower Cody R.’s statement concludes)