Last Updated on August 5, 2023
Twitter/X owner and CEO Elon Musk announced in a tweet that he is “investigating” the social media platform’s shadow ban of nationally-syndicated TV news host Stew Peters, who has been removed from search results on the platform and has seen his account’s monthly impressions suddenly drop by hundreds of millions in what appears to be one of the most severe shadow ban cases yet.
Elon Musk responded to a tweet from Matt Wallace drawing attention to the massive collapse in Twitter impressions experienced by Stew Peters and his @realstewpeters account which went from earning 450 million impressions a month to less than 1 million, indicating that serious action has been taken to censor him.
At the same time, Peters stopped appearing in Twitter search results, with only fake accounts claiming to be him popping up, even when his full Twitter username of @realstewpeters was typed into the platform’s search bar.
Proving that the throttling and censorship of Stew Peters was wide-reaching, numerous users had reached out to Peters letting him know that he’d vanished from their newsfeeds and search results.
In his tweet, Matt Wallace included screenshots of some of the users’ reports and explained to Elon Musk that Stew Peters “went from 450 million impressions a month to less than 1 million.”
“How is that possible?” Wallace asked. “What reason is there? How could accounts still be getting throttled like this on Twitter2.0/X?”
Musk responded to the tweet, writing back that he is “investigating” the situation.

In what appears to be anything but a coincidence and could be proof that Twitter had deliberately censored Stew Peters and removed him from search results, as of the morning of August 5th, 2023, just hours after Musk responded to Wallace’s concerns, Peters is showing back up in search results on the platform.
The screenshots below show what happened when users searched for “@realstewpeters” both before and after the public complaint to Elon Musk was made.

Defined as when a social media user is blocked from “a social media site or online forum without their knowledge, typically by making their posts and comments no longer visible to other users,” shadow banning has been employed by Big Tech against numerous America First patriots and pro-freedom voices from around the world, who question the narratives that are spoon-fed to the people of the world by establishment-approved mass media.
The shadow banning of Stew Peters on Twitter is far from the first time that anti-speech censors have come after the mega-viral news host and head of the Stew Peters Network.
As National File previously reported, when the Stew Peters Network released their massively successful Died Suddenly film, which exposed the genocidal bioweapon agenda at the heart of COVID-19 and its “vaccine” jabs, Big Tech and corporate media alike scrambled to censor the film, but they couldn’t stop it from receiving tens of millions of views in a matter of days – a trend that has continued, as the film has been streamed millions of more times since its November 2022 release.
Read More: Big Tech, Corporate Media Scramble to Censor ‘Died Suddenly’ Film, Exposing Death Jab Genocide